Amos and Andy – The Chair 2nd Half with Retro Plus. 431029

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Starts with, Ruby's Father Sees Amos Talking to Another Girl, 1929-04-22. Another double feature. This first one is a real ear bender. The limits have been pushed too try to clean it up, and to me it does sound marginally better, but that might be debatable. From 1929-04-29, Ruby's Father Catches Amos Talking to Another Girl. Amos wakes Andy from his typical nap to share his latest girl trouble. Andy tries to get the facts straight. It seems that Amos had a casual conversation that Ruby's dad misunderstood. Normally a simple thing to straighten out, but with Andy trying to build a defense for Amos, things just get more confusing. My guess is that if Amos follows Andy's advice, his letter of apology will come across all wrong. But the episode cuts off before we find out. The next feature is from 1943-10-29, The Chair Second Half. As you might guess from the title, the top of the show is missing, and only the second half still exists. In the missing part, apparently Andy had accidentally broken a valuable chair while visiting his friend Henry Van Porter. We find Kingfish and Andy are supposed to meet a man to buy just one chair wholesale. The furniture man has his patience tried as our heros try to talk him down from his usual sales numbered in the hundreds, down to just one. With a deal all arranged, they deliver the replacement chair to Henry Van Porter. Just in time for the big party.