Burns and Allen – George Tries To Get out of the Broadcast. 401028.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Gracie tries to tell George about her big date with Spencer Tracey, but George isn't listening. He is trying to pretend to be sick so he can take time off from the show. Can he fool the cast so he can go on his date with FeeFee Tremain? Senor Lee, the Harvard sound man, and Artie Shaw all offer their medical advice, but I'm not sure they're entirely drawn in by the ruse. The Smoothies sing, Moonlight on the Ganges. The medical jokes roll in in a flood, but George just can't seem to make a clean break from his friends. The show features a sequence where a radio repairman visits, voiced by Elliot Lewis, proving that he is indeed more capable than his door slamming sound man character. Artie plays and his vocalist sings, Love of My Life. Through the show, Gracie has forced George into wardrobe malfunctions, and in a final mix up, she has given him a sleeping pill rather than an aspirin. George goes into dream sequence where he experiences an odd mash up of the two girls in his mind, a combination of FeeFee and Gracie. Just to tweak the comedy factor, the dream takes a wierd turn when Senor Lee and the cast appear. Note: In the dream, there's a sneak reference to George's age. See if you can find it.