Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Lum and Abner – Is Cedric One Of The Deputies. 420210 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:45

Diogenes Smith's contest to find the most honest man has the town in an uproar. Not only to be found as the most honest person, but in suspicion over who the secret deputies are. It has also been revealed that Diogenes needs a new printing shop to publish his pamphlets Lum and Abner will be letting him set up shop in their feed room. Our friends also talk about a few of the good deeds they have planned. Cedric enters, and being suspected as a secret deputy, Lum and Abner butter him up. Do they have a handle on winning the prize? Listen and enjoy the gossip at the town hypocrits as they all cast off their usual ways to be nice to each other. Will Diogenes and his deputies see through all the false kindness? What is the behavior that leads Lum and Abner to believe that Cedric is a deputy, and will it cost them losing the store?

 Green Hornet – Put It On Ice. 390704 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:13

A meat packer is the victim of sabotage when his shipments are tainted and made unsafe for the public. Who could be doing this? Who is his enemy? The Green Hornet doesn't care what happens to the businessman, or whether he is deserving of his troubles. He is concerned over the potential hazard to the citezens. The sabotage has the markings of an inside job, and the Green Hornet soon puts the players in the picture against each other to lay on the pressure, and break the case wide open.

 Superman – The Grayson Submarine, 5of6. 410521 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:43

We last saw Superman streaking out to sea, in an attempt to catch p to the captured submarine, and his kidnapped friends. Will he be able to stop the torpedo from hitting its intented target of an innocent cargo vessel? Not to be deterred, Doctor Deutsch and his saboteurs plow forward to their homeland with the Grayson submarine, and their prisoners. Get ready for some old fashioned fist fighting as Superman makes short work of the Nazi's and puts his friends back in charge. With the submarine steaming back to the USA, everything will be all right... won't it?

 Nero Wolfe – Careless Cleaner. ep5, 501117 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:44

Even the bank account of a corpulent, high priced detective runs dry when no work has been coming in. Archie only considers it a favor to be fired, if he can only get his salary that's coming to him. Lou Saunders comes to Nero for help, and it soon emerges that the cops want him for murder. An artist, Clay Michaelson, is also brought into the picture as a suspect. Can it be? But Clay is a married man, surely it can't be him! Say it ain't so! Clay takes his story to Nero, but who can be believed? Mrs Michaelson now shows up to stick up for her husband. Nero sees through the lies, to see jealousy and a otential love triangle at the root of the trouble. Was it the wife, jealous of the other woman? Was it Clay, trying to end a messy relationship? Was it Lou, being jealous and possessive over his cheating girlfriend? Armed with forensics evidence from the crime lab, Nero knows the cause of death. Comparing the result to the statements of the suspects, he can solve the mystery. Listen and see if you have it figured out as well. Note: Larry Dobkin is Archie. Sidney Greenstreet is nero.

 You Are There – Maximillian Is To Be Executed, 1867AD. 480523 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:31

Unless the new governor of Mexico grants a stay of execution, Archduke Maximillian faces a firing squad at sunrise. Pleas, and protests pour in from royalty and dignitaries all around the world, but will Governor Juarez honor them? CBS reporters interview those who argue whether Maximillian is innocent, a Prisoner of War, a villan, or if he should be considered with some other status. Even Maximillian is interviewed, and he speaks his peace. Listeners are there for his last words and moments before the firing squad marches in. Through radio link ups, other reporters take the listeners to various places to get people's opinions on the contraversy over Maximillians deeds. Can there be any hope? Is he really a tyrant, deserving his fate? Note: also aired on: 12-05-1948.

 Rogues Gallery – Murder In Drawing Room A, Mystery Playhouse 137. 451011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:34

Trains provide a comfortable way to travel, and a chance to meet people on those long distance excursions. Rogue meets a woman with an interesting request, she wants him to keep a briefcase safe for her. This won't lead to a corpse, will it? Identical cases offer a prime situation for a mix up, and danger looms when a thug takes Rogues case at gun point. Rogue gets a thump on the head, and set up for trouble by the railroad authorities. Not only the briefcase, but Betty is missing. As the train races through the night, Rogue has his hands full. Betty is a reporter, and the body on board gives her a scoop to phone in to her editor. Meanwhile, Rogue's investigation gets him more thumps on the head. Wow, this guy ought to have a helmet permenantly attached to his skull. Rogue manages to pull all the loose ends together to hand the killer over to the cops along with the case of cash. Minus his reward, of course.

 Lum and Abner – Diogenes Deputies Could Be Anyone. 420209 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:45

The new stranger in town has everybody eager to imitate his honest ways. Cedric even goes as far as to dress like Diogenes, and even carrying a lantern like him. Lum goes over the details of who the secret deputies are, and who they might be. Everyone has been thinking of ways to be particularly kind to one another in order to win the $10k reward for honesty. The catch phrase of the day is, "Wonderful World" and being secretive and generous has the town acting disgustingly nice. Grandpappy Spears comes in to talk in hushed tones about the odd behavior of the citezens of Pine Ridge, as they try to guess who the deputies are. The two old gents play checkers, but will the effort at being kind prevent their usual argument over the checker game?

 Rogues Gallery – Blondes Prefer Gentlemen. 451004 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:24

When Richard Rogue meets the self proclaimed, most beautiful girl in the world while on vacation at a swanky resort, there's nothing but trouble awaiting him. Riding horseback with his dream gal, Richard discovers a body. Trying to distance himself from the crime, and stay focused on his vacation, Rogue turns the body and clues over to the cops. Yeah right, these things have a way of dragging a detective right back into the middle of things. Another little cutie at the resort, Mrs Mills, has a husband, and he wants Rogue to prove that he didn't kill Harding. On his horseback ride with the lovely Lucia, clues are found that could mean danger for Rogue and his new girlfriend, Ladies might like the rough and rugged type, but Lucia might be getting too big of a taste of the rugged life. A thump on the head wins Rogue a few moments of rest, and a few moments with his annoying little inner voice. Still, he has a clue to link a suspect to the murder. Now it's only a matter of turning all the evidence, and the killer over to the local cops.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Drama in Ancient Rome. 370913 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:39

As a favor for his civic organization, Fibber has been tasked with writing a play. Listen in for behind the scenes glimpses as Fibber casts his characters. Billy Mills plays a swinging tune. What kind of costumes might Fibber put together? Teeny gets in a few words to torment Fibber. Perry Como enters to sing, That Old Feeling. Fibber assigns the parts, and the play is presented. Abigail Uppington, Nick the Greek, and others all have parts to play in the drama on ancient Rome. Enjoy a perky melody, as Billy Mills plays, and you can whistle along with Elmo Tanner, Cross your Heart. The play begins to the shouts of Romans who hail Caesar. Jokes and plugs for the sponsor are peppered into a brief retelling of Shakespeare's play on Julius Caesar. Listen in to discover how Gildersleeves, Uppington, and the rest protray their parts. Stay tuned to the end for a short brag from Thespian McGee.

 Superman – The Grayson Submarine, 4of6. 410519 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:43

We join the control room of the captured submarine, where we find Mr Grayson, Commander Lee, and Doctor Deutsch. The plans and intentions of the sabotage are revealed. Heated words are exchanged to express national pride and patriotism between the warring countries. Elsewhere, Superman is following the tracks of his friends Perry and Lois. Will he find them alive? He finds the landlord of the property where the house containing the hide out is located, but no sign of the saboteurs or his friends. Superman vows to find that submarine as he streaks out to sea.

 Phil Harris – Coconut Grove – Brother Can You Spare A Dime. ep2, 1933. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:46

Playlist: Phil sings, Brother Can You Spare a Dime? Leah Raye sings, Secondhand Heart for Sale. The band plays, Twelfth Street Rag. The 17 year old Leah Raye sings, Make Me Yours. Phil sings, My Dame Called mame.

 Green Hornet – Justice Wears A Blindfold. 390615 (retro401) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:25

Star reporter Laury, and his pal and star photographer, Miss Casey, uncover a scent of corruption in a high profile trial. It's a jury trial, so what influence can a possibly corrupt judge do to sway the decision? Plenty, as he fends off evidence from the state attorney, and lets the defending lawyers have wide latitude in presenting their evidence. Judge Grayson claims to be tough on racketeers, but his behavior hints otherwise. Brit Reed isn't sure about the trustworthiness of the judge, but as the Green Hornet he swings into action. A trap is set to take down the gangsters from the top down, and even the judge, if he is actually corrupt. Brit learns of some of the pressure that judge Grayson is under, and the hold that the gangsters have over him. A touchy issue that could end the mans career. Will Grayson cave in to save face, and extend his career? Will he be blind to the temptation at the risk of losing everything he holds dear? Brit doesn't care about the judges situation. It's no excuse to not carry out his job. A hard decision must be made, but regardless of what it is, it's one that fills the bill for the Green Hornet to ensure that a full measure of justice is carried out. Bonus Track: None today. Just some extended comments by Keith on a comparrison between the Lone Ranger to the Green Hornet. In short, comparing similarities: Created by the same people, both superheros, and fighting for justice that the letter of the law doesn't quite reach. Differences include: Small towns of the wide open plains, as opposed to the crowded modern city.

 Gunsmoke – Pretty Mama. 561111 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:49

On a peaceful morning in Dodge City, Matt gets word from young Beany Marvel that his pa is dead. Out at the homestead, Mrs Marvel shares the details as far as she knows of how her husband was shot. There aren't many neighbors close by, so who might have had a reason to kill Hank? Doc is on the scene to help Matt figure out facts about the shooter. What's to be done with the pretty, young widow? Chester and Beany join Matt and Doc at the crime scene to figure out where the shooter was, and do what can be done in recreating the scene. It gives them a direction to go, and a cabin to check out. The paranoid shooter in the cabin may be suspicious, but he offers a clue that might mean the answer for Matt. A family dispute is revealed as the source of death.

 Jack Benny – Jack Gets A Parking Ticket. 540117 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:21

Don rolls the clock back to last Wednesday, after rehearsal. Jack, Bob Crosby, and Dennis Day all go to the drugstore for a bite to eat. The sassy waitress gives Jack a hard time as he tries to order. Why doesn't Dennis like golf? Jack puts a nickel in the jukebox, and we hear Dennis sing, Change Partners. Rochester phones to plug Jack's upcoming TV show, and Jack's expected guest, Liberace. The guys part ways, but Dennis rides with Jack in the Maxwell, at least long enough to get in one last joke. While parking his car, Jack encounters Frank Nelson. After getting his new violin strings, Jack jokes about the weather before he runs into Don and the Sportsmen. The Spoortsmen sing an Eddie Cantor tune, If You Knew Suzy. Finally finding a ticket on his car, Jack takes offense, and tries to phone the police to dispute it. Not getting past the telephone operator, Jack goes right to the station to complain. What kind of red tape will Jack need to cut through? Will he get satisfaction from the judge? Things aren't going so well when Frank Nelson shows up as the judge.

 Jack Benny – Joe Louis Acts As Jack’s Bodyguard. 451111 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:01

Jack is sick in bed after being robbed of money from his vault. To comfort him, Mary reads a passage of a book to Jack. Rochester and other cast members provide comic interuptions. Inspector Flanagan, Mel Blanc, is back on the case of the robber. There have been threats. Will Jack need a bodyguard? Rochester is friends with Joe Louis, and does a favor for Jack to get him to be his bodyguard. Larry Stevens sings, It's Been a Long Long Time. Jack and Mary talk about her folks, and housekeeping roles of men and women. True to his word, and to get back into Jack's good graces, Rochester talks Joe Louis into the bodyguard job. Phil plays some travelling music, then comes in to invite Jack to a costume party. Joe Louis meets Jack to work out the details of the bodyguard job. It doesn't take long before Joe's services are called for. How will it work out? Note: Jack gets a phone call from Phil's daughter. She's not named, but it would likely be little Alice, since his second daughter wouldn't quite be old enough to talk on the phone. It was also likely a child actress, since Phil's girls didn't show much interest in being entertainers.


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