Nero Wolfe – Careless Cleaner. ep5, 501117

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Even the bank account of a corpulent, high priced detective runs dry when no work has been coming in. Archie only considers it a favor to be fired, if he can only get his salary that's coming to him. Lou Saunders comes to Nero for help, and it soon emerges that the cops want him for murder. An artist, Clay Michaelson, is also brought into the picture as a suspect. Can it be? But Clay is a married man, surely it can't be him! Say it ain't so! Clay takes his story to Nero, but who can be believed? Mrs Michaelson now shows up to stick up for her husband. Nero sees through the lies, to see jealousy and a otential love triangle at the root of the trouble. Was it the wife, jealous of the other woman? Was it Clay, trying to end a messy relationship? Was it Lou, being jealous and possessive over his cheating girlfriend? Armed with forensics evidence from the crime lab, Nero knows the cause of death. Comparing the result to the statements of the suspects, he can solve the mystery. Listen and see if you have it figured out as well. Note: Larry Dobkin is Archie. Sidney Greenstreet is nero.