Jack Benny – Joe Louis Acts As Jack’s Bodyguard. 451111

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Jack is sick in bed after being robbed of money from his vault. To comfort him, Mary reads a passage of a book to Jack. Rochester and other cast members provide comic interuptions. Inspector Flanagan, Mel Blanc, is back on the case of the robber. There have been threats. Will Jack need a bodyguard? Rochester is friends with Joe Louis, and does a favor for Jack to get him to be his bodyguard. Larry Stevens sings, It's Been a Long Long Time. Jack and Mary talk about her folks, and housekeeping roles of men and women. True to his word, and to get back into Jack's good graces, Rochester talks Joe Louis into the bodyguard job. Phil plays some travelling music, then comes in to invite Jack to a costume party. Joe Louis meets Jack to work out the details of the bodyguard job. It doesn't take long before Joe's services are called for. How will it work out? Note: Jack gets a phone call from Phil's daughter. She's not named, but it would likely be little Alice, since his second daughter wouldn't quite be old enough to talk on the phone. It was also likely a child actress, since Phil's girls didn't show much interest in being entertainers.