Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Jack Benny – Charlie Chan in Radio City. 341111 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:48

Going back to a feature of the series in early episodes, the roving reporter, Jack,, brings news from around the globe. Items include sports news from Japan, New York, and includes Babe Ruth, and election news. Football news reports on team scores that transitions into Hollywood gossip. Don Bestors number is snipped. In failing to get the Marx Brothers to appear, Jack reads a telegram from Harpo to decline the invitation. Instead, Jack interviews Macbeth. Pray tell, what will the Shakespearean character have to say? Frank Parker's song is snipped. The murder mystery tonight is to be, charlie Chan in Radio City. When Don Wilson is shot, Mary gets Charlie Chan on the phone. In his best pigeon English, Jack interviews the cast to try to figure who the killer is. What clues will the detective find? At least a host of running gags featuring his Shakespearean guest and more... Ya hear me? hey, there's that recurring line again. If you haven't figured it out, it's from an episode from a few weeks ago. Schlepperman is on the scene to add his craziness to the mix.

 Mr Keen – The Engaged Girl Murder Case. 491110 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:51

The scene opens on an estate where two people are horseback riding. Their conversation is interrupted when they discover a body. The case finds its way to Mr Keen for his brand of expertise. As the wealthy man shares his case with Mr Keen, one suspect emerges, his fiancee. Mr Keen demands the truth, but promises to leave no stone unturned, including the possibility that the fiancee might actually be the guilty one. Mr Keen, and partner Mmike Clancey go to the estate to poke around for their own clues. During the interviews, shots ring out. It seems it's just Mike Clancey, apprehending an aledged prowler. It's just a family member, but it marks the beginning of some sneaky, suspicious behavior. Mr Keen drops some subtle words that drags out more family secrets. Secrets about the background of the fiancee are brought to light that gives a new aspect to the case. It's enough to shine the light of suspicion from the girl to others who have good reason for the murder. Some new clues pop up that give Mr Keen the fuel he needs. He sets his theory into a motion to spring a trap to catch the killer, and expose the hard evidence he needs to make charges stick. The plot twists just won't stop coming, but in the end all the truth of the high society soap opera style story come out as the killer confesses.

 Amos and Andy – Long Lost Harold. 440331 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:21

Andy tells Kingfish about a woman who mistook him for another man named Harold. Elsewhere, we eavesdrop on a woman who tells about her long lost husband Harold. A man who has had amnesia for the past six years. Mrs Scot is sure that Andy is her husband, and takes the doctor's advice to help get Andy's memory back. Will her attempts to jumpstart his memory convince Andy that he's actually Harold? Back in the lodge hall, Kingfish cooks up a new business plan with his friends. Mrs Scot comes around, proposing to invite Andy to her house. Maybe the familiar surroundings will cure Harold... er, I mean Andy? I think the two kids might send Andy into shock instead of drawing him closer to her. Maybe a thump on the head will work wonders? Frank and Jimmy are certainly up whacking their new pop on the head, if it means a cure. There's a catch that just might make Andy want to get with Mrs Scot. She is burdened with a lot of money. Amos tries to get Andy to do the right thing, but Kingfish is seeing dollar signs. Will Mrs Scot fall prey to a scheme to part her with her money, or will she get wise to the scam that is waiting for her? There's room for imposters to be exposed and a happy ending for Mrs Scot.

 Cisco Kid – Murder At Ten Below. 531126 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:14

In winter, the trails on the plains of the West were often unpassable under the snow drifts. A situation that lent itself to bandits who want to set up an ambush. Elsewhere, Cisco teaches Pancho to ski, but with less than desireable results. Later, our heros cross paths in town with the bandits. Cisco doesn't know who they are, only that they are up to no good. Sneaking around a little too close, Cisco and Pancho find themselves in trouble, with the bandits getting away to create more problems. Now it's up to Cisco to get free of the icy trap the bandits set for him, and help out his friend Mr Hadley. Will Cisco manage to return the stolen goods from Mr Hadley's safe? Will he bring the bad guys to justice? Will Pancho ever learn to ski?

 Suspense – Cabin B13. 431109 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

A ship loads up in preparation for it's ocean voyage. A married couple set out on a honeymoon cruise. The bride is prone to having nightmares, and dark fantasies. She isn't supersticious, at least not about her cabin number, B13. She just has dark thoughts, and stories that she shares with her new husband. Maybe she ought to be afraid of her cabin number. Strange things begin to happen. Her cabin is missing, her husband is missing, what does all this mean? The captain and crew are skeptical that she even has a husband, and question her mental stability. Can she prove that she's not telling lies? Late at night, she gets a phone call from her husband, and nothing will stop her from meeting up with him. Suddenly, secrets are revealed. A murder is planned, but whose, and why? listen in for the twist ending.

 Lone Ranger – Thunders Mules. 451109. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:06

Return to the days of Yesteryear when the Lone Ranger rides again! In a West Texs town, Rock City, Lone Ranger and Tonto make friends with a mule skinner and his daughter Clarabelle. The railroad is at a stand still without a shipment of dynamite to blast through the mountain pass. Thunder Martin, the mule skinner sees his chance to haul the dangerous freight that nobody else will touch as his big break to pay off the mortgage on his ranch. Martin finds himself over a barrel after a little mix up tosses a wrench in the works. Still, there's room for a rival to stir in sabotage into the mix. Tonto has been eavesdropping in town, and now races to camp and lets his friend the Lone Ranger know of the developments. A shipment of dynamite, an ambush, and a plan for danger. Lone Ranger has raced through the night in an attempt to stop his friend Thunder. It'll take all his powers of tracking and observation to scout out dangers. Will the dynamite arrive safely? Danger and suspense, gunplay and horse chases are the name of the game in this Western adventure. So saddle up and ride along with our heros to see how Lone Ranger and Tonto defend justice and save the day. And if all that excitement wasn't enough, besides the adventure, Lone Ranger also manages to solve the mystery of recently murdered wagon drivers.

 Lum and Abner – Squires Overdue Bill. 420206 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:45

Last episode we met the much talked about Diogenes Smith, and his $10k reward for the most honest man in the community. Mousey Gray talks to Lum about the contest that is to stretch over the next 3 months. How will the forced honesty affect Lum's sales pitch when customers call? Abner enters to share how everybody in town is on their best behavior. Even the town bully, Snake Hogan is helpful to the victims he beats up. There are 5 secret deputies who are supposed to be appointed to report to Diogenes. Who can they be? Maybe Mousey is one of them? Lum and Abner marvel at Squire Skimp and his attempts at being honest for a change. Diogenes stops in at the Jot 'Em Down store to admire how well his plan for an elevated level of humanity is working. Is everyone on board with his plan of kindness? What other eccentric ideas does the stranger have? As if to releve doubts of his lack of honesty, Squire enters to pay up his accounts at the store.

 Superman – The Grayson Submarine, 3of6. 410516 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:40

After allowing Clark to escape from the submarine, the commander frets at sending the reporter to his death. Imagine his surprise to find his stranded vessel moving. Elsewhere, Perry and Lois have been captured by thugs with German accents. What will the fiendish sabateures do with Perry and Lois? What do they have to do with the stranded submarines? As the Grayson submarine remains trapped, and Perry remains in captivity with Lois, Superman returns to the Daily Planet where he compares notes with Jimmy Olsen on the developments. Can Superman find the missing Grayson submarine before evil forces drag it far out to sea?

 Burns and Allen – George Goes Hollywood. 451108 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:52

In the previous episode, Gracie had successfully convinced a movie producer that Bill Goodwin is a dull married man, and George is a wolfish leading man type. Does George actually have the charm and charisma needed to be a convincing leading man? Will his acting ability hold up? Meredeth and his orchestra play, Sweet Embracable You. The Happy Postman shares a little of his vigorous life, and delivers fan mail that Gracie arranged to have sent to boost George's motivation. Somehow, George has taken the gossip columnist, and bobby soxer scene by storm. Has Gracie created a monster? To deflate George's ego, and talk sense to him, Gracie calls on their old friend, George Jessel. Will the vaudevillian turned movie producer get George to snap out of his dillusions

 Challenge Of The Yukon – The Vallera Diamond. 440309 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:21

George is a man who inherits a valuable family heirloom. On her death bed, his aunt begged him to always take care of the diamond, but his cousin Henry is jealous. When George sets out for the gold fields of the Yukon, Henry follows him there looking for revenge. Secretly watching their camp, Sgt Preston and his dog, King see a potential danger when Henry shows off his prowess with a knife. Later, while George sleeps, King is the only one to see the theft of the diamond, and springs into action. King is also the only one who knows what happened in the struggle with Henry, and how he came to the justice he deserved.

 Jubilee – Harlan Leonard, Delta Rhythm Boys. 431108 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:52

In the usual slangy style, the announcer introduces host, Ernie Witman. Ernie turns the show over to Harlon Leonard who plays a tune. Next up, the Delta Rhythm Boys sing, Are You For It. Albert Ammons and Pete Johnson do a boogie piano number. Harlon Leonard plays as Eddie Williams sings, You Messing with Me Baby. Big Joe Turner sings, Ain't Gonna Be a Low Down Dog No More. Savana Churchhill sings, It's My Affair. Ernie brings back the Delta Rhythm Boys to sing, People Will Say We're in Love. Harlon Leonard plays, Play Fiddle Play. Finally, Ernie is joined by Harlon for a few parting words.

 Lum and Abner – A Reward For Honesty. 420205 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:45

Grandpappy Spears is in the library to study up on playing the mandolin. Does he even have one? Abner is doubtful over the new venture. The discussion comes round to the new stranger in town, Diogenes Smith. Lum enters with news that a reward has been offered to the honest man that Diogenes is in search of. Diogenes himself enters to announce that it's a "Wonderful World" and share a little about his quest. Learn about the reward, and the methods the eccentric man has in store. Five secret deputies will be appointed to be the watch dogs for Diogenes. Who will win the $10k reward? Kindness and cooperation soon becomes the word of the day.

 Lux Radio Theater – She Loves Me Not. 371108. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:13

Features Bing Crosby, who is to play a law student, and Joan Blondelle is his love interest. In a dance hall, a mobster shoots another. Worried about cops picking her up, a dancer named Curly flees to a law college where Bing is studying. The chorus girl is afraid the cops will lock her up for just being a witness. In the 1930's this was actually a common practice to keep witnesses from fleeing, or to protect them from danger from the defendant. Since girls were a big no no for college dorms, Bing tries to disguise the chorus girl as one of the guys. Will it work? He'll need to keep her secret from school officials, the cops, and his own fiancee. With a secret like that, you know it won't take long to leak out. Hey, what do you know, our leading man isn't just a law student, he's also in the music department, imagine that. Bing gets the chance to sing, I'm on My Way to You. A movie producer hunts down the girl in hiding, and wants to offer her a job in films. The studio has ways of getting their starlets out of trouble with the law, so she jumps at the chance. Bing is still worried over what the dean might have to say, but he is becoming more smitten with the dean's daughter. Opportunity arises again, so he sings, I Could Sing Your Praises. Time for the jealous fiancee to barge in, and mistake the dean's daughter for the chorus girl, or at least an intruding lover. Meanwhile, a thug tries to kidnap the chorus girl, but is saved by Bing, when he clobbers the movie producer, and the gal clobbers the dean. All kinds of good impressions. With the mess as messy as a mess can get, how in the world will Bing dig himself out? Stay tuned to the comic end to see what happens, and who gets which girl, or guy, or job, or whatever. Bing gets to sing his big hit from 1934, Love in Bloom. You know it has a happy ending, no matter how frustrated Bing's character seems to be. Where explanations fall short, a little good natured blakmail might do the trick.

 Black Museum – A Prescription. ep34, 1952 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:39

As we look at a few exhibits from the Black Museum, we learn the drama behind the featured item. Orson Wells presents a story of a woman with a terminal illness. June knows her situation and goes to a terminal care facility and lets people know that her will is to be written. Her family members are well off, so she wants to provide for her constant caretaker and friend. The loyal nurse is to recieve all the money from her estate. Suddenly, Scotland Yard is on the scene with the suspicion that June didn't die from a stroke, but from an overdose of morphine., The woman was already going to die soon, so who would want to rush the job? Was it one of her rich relatives? Was it the nurse who stood to loose her job and income at June's death? It sounds like a set up to me to cast blame on an undeserving person. Never fear, the cops get their crook, and Orson tells of their fate.

 Our Miss Brooks – Connie The Work Horse. 481107 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:21

Though Connie loves her work, and her students, the past few days have been hectic. It's time for mid-term exams at school, and she needs to get her test questions written. Mrs Davis awakens the overworked Miss Brooks. After a dose of a special breakfast, and a joke about horses that sets the tone of the day, Connie is off to school. The silver tongued Walter Denton tries to butter up Miss Brooks, but ends up dragging out a comparrison to being an old tired horse. Hey check out those sponsor's prizes. I can't compete, but for any tips made to the PayPal Tip jar over $50, I'll burn off a DVD of all the shows I've posted since last April. Plus whatever I can squeeze onto it. Harriet talks to her dad, Mr Conklin. She's concerned that Miss Brooks is working too hard, and wants to do something for her. When Harriet speaks with Miss Brooks, the allusions to her waning beauty, and comparrisons to horses continues. Mr Conklin talks to Connie in his office, the horse comments keep up, but we begin to discover that her friends really have her interests at heart. Conklin tries to get her focused on outside interests, and hobbies. At lunch, Mr Boynton even shows a concern over Connie's well being, but the horse comments don't help. All her friends drop hints at her needing other hobbies. Back home, Miss Brooks needs to get her work caught up, but Mrs Davis tries to teach Connie to knit instead. Connie's friends all try to help her relax, but the hobby overload has a reverse affect. Will she ever get her test questions written?


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