Burns and Allen – George Goes Hollywood. 451108

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In the previous episode, Gracie had successfully convinced a movie producer that Bill Goodwin is a dull married man, and George is a wolfish leading man type. Does George actually have the charm and charisma needed to be a convincing leading man? Will his acting ability hold up? Meredeth and his orchestra play, Sweet Embracable You. The Happy Postman shares a little of his vigorous life, and delivers fan mail that Gracie arranged to have sent to boost George's motivation. Somehow, George has taken the gossip columnist, and bobby soxer scene by storm. Has Gracie created a monster? To deflate George's ego, and talk sense to him, Gracie calls on their old friend, George Jessel. Will the vaudevillian turned movie producer get George to snap out of his dillusions