Cisco Kid – Murder At Ten Below. 531126

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In winter, the trails on the plains of the West were often unpassable under the snow drifts. A situation that lent itself to bandits who want to set up an ambush. Elsewhere, Cisco teaches Pancho to ski, but with less than desireable results. Later, our heros cross paths in town with the bandits. Cisco doesn't know who they are, only that they are up to no good. Sneaking around a little too close, Cisco and Pancho find themselves in trouble, with the bandits getting away to create more problems. Now it's up to Cisco to get free of the icy trap the bandits set for him, and help out his friend Mr Hadley. Will Cisco manage to return the stolen goods from Mr Hadley's safe? Will he bring the bad guys to justice? Will Pancho ever learn to ski?