Black Museum – A Prescription. ep34, 1952

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: As we look at a few exhibits from the Black Museum, we learn the drama behind the featured item. Orson Wells presents a story of a woman with a terminal illness. June knows her situation and goes to a terminal care facility and lets people know that her will is to be written. Her family members are well off, so she wants to provide for her constant caretaker and friend. The loyal nurse is to recieve all the money from her estate. Suddenly, Scotland Yard is on the scene with the suspicion that June didn't die from a stroke, but from an overdose of morphine., The woman was already going to die soon, so who would want to rush the job? Was it one of her rich relatives? Was it the nurse who stood to loose her job and income at June's death? It sounds like a set up to me to cast blame on an undeserving person. Never fear, the cops get their crook, and Orson tells of their fate.