Jack Benny – Charlie Chan in Radio City. 341111

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Going back to a feature of the series in early episodes, the roving reporter, Jack,, brings news from around the globe. Items include sports news from Japan, New York, and includes Babe Ruth, and election news. Football news reports on team scores that transitions into Hollywood gossip. Don Bestors number is snipped. In failing to get the Marx Brothers to appear, Jack reads a telegram from Harpo to decline the invitation. Instead, Jack interviews Macbeth. Pray tell, what will the Shakespearean character have to say? Frank Parker's song is snipped. The murder mystery tonight is to be, charlie Chan in Radio City. When Don Wilson is shot, Mary gets Charlie Chan on the phone. In his best pigeon English, Jack interviews the cast to try to figure who the killer is. What clues will the detective find? At least a host of running gags featuring his Shakespearean guest and more... Ya hear me? hey, there's that recurring line again. If you haven't figured it out, it's from an episode from a few weeks ago. Schlepperman is on the scene to add his craziness to the mix.