Suspense – Cabin B13. 431109

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A ship loads up in preparation for it's ocean voyage. A married couple set out on a honeymoon cruise. The bride is prone to having nightmares, and dark fantasies. She isn't supersticious, at least not about her cabin number, B13. She just has dark thoughts, and stories that she shares with her new husband. Maybe she ought to be afraid of her cabin number. Strange things begin to happen. Her cabin is missing, her husband is missing, what does all this mean? The captain and crew are skeptical that she even has a husband, and question her mental stability. Can she prove that she's not telling lies? Late at night, she gets a phone call from her husband, and nothing will stop her from meeting up with him. Suddenly, secrets are revealed. A murder is planned, but whose, and why? listen in for the twist ending.