Amos and Andy – Long Lost Harold. 440331

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Andy tells Kingfish about a woman who mistook him for another man named Harold. Elsewhere, we eavesdrop on a woman who tells about her long lost husband Harold. A man who has had amnesia for the past six years. Mrs Scot is sure that Andy is her husband, and takes the doctor's advice to help get Andy's memory back. Will her attempts to jumpstart his memory convince Andy that he's actually Harold? Back in the lodge hall, Kingfish cooks up a new business plan with his friends. Mrs Scot comes around, proposing to invite Andy to her house. Maybe the familiar surroundings will cure Harold... er, I mean Andy? I think the two kids might send Andy into shock instead of drawing him closer to her. Maybe a thump on the head will work wonders? Frank and Jimmy are certainly up whacking their new pop on the head, if it means a cure. There's a catch that just might make Andy want to get with Mrs Scot. She is burdened with a lot of money. Amos tries to get Andy to do the right thing, but Kingfish is seeing dollar signs. Will Mrs Scot fall prey to a scheme to part her with her money, or will she get wise to the scam that is waiting for her? There's room for imposters to be exposed and a happy ending for Mrs Scot.