Green Hornet – Justice Wears A Blindfold. 390615 (retro401)

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Star reporter Laury, and his pal and star photographer, Miss Casey, uncover a scent of corruption in a high profile trial. It's a jury trial, so what influence can a possibly corrupt judge do to sway the decision? Plenty, as he fends off evidence from the state attorney, and lets the defending lawyers have wide latitude in presenting their evidence. Judge Grayson claims to be tough on racketeers, but his behavior hints otherwise. Brit Reed isn't sure about the trustworthiness of the judge, but as the Green Hornet he swings into action. A trap is set to take down the gangsters from the top down, and even the judge, if he is actually corrupt. Brit learns of some of the pressure that judge Grayson is under, and the hold that the gangsters have over him. A touchy issue that could end the mans career. Will Grayson cave in to save face, and extend his career? Will he be blind to the temptation at the risk of losing everything he holds dear? Brit doesn't care about the judges situation. It's no excuse to not carry out his job. A hard decision must be made, but regardless of what it is, it's one that fills the bill for the Green Hornet to ensure that a full measure of justice is carried out. Bonus Track: None today. Just some extended comments by Keith on a comparrison between the Lone Ranger to the Green Hornet. In short, comparing similarities: Created by the same people, both superheros, and fighting for justice that the letter of the law doesn't quite reach. Differences include: Small towns of the wide open plains, as opposed to the crowded modern city.