Fibber McGee and Molly – Getting Out of the Hollywood Lease. 370705

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Fibber is determined to misbehave in order to get out of the lease on his house. He and Molly have been in Hollywood to make a movie, but now it's time to move. Jimmy Greer does his best to help, and loudly plays, Bye Bye Blackbird. Bill Davis enters to discuss travelling arrangements. As the McGees try to think up more ways to be noisy and bother neighbors, Tommy sings, London Rain. Fibber brags about being known as Hotel McGee. Will the landlord be made angry enough to kick the McGees out? Will Fibber ever get to go on his trip to Yosemite? Mrs Wearybottom visits to tell about a family tragedy. Jimmy Greer plays a tune. Among the typical strange characters, Teeny visits to ask for a glass of water, but she has a special cup that she wants it in. Will Fibber ever get out of the lease, or not?