Life of Riley – Riley Seeks Knowledge. 481029

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Riley seeks to improve his mind, but his ideas don't come from books. It's more his speed to get his information from listening to radio shows. I wonder if he would tune in to the Retro Radio Podcast? Naw! We're probably too high class for him. It seems that his behavior has been an embarrassment for Babs, who is now in college, and has a new set of friends. Riley consults with his eavsdropping neighbor, Gillis. Armed with new advice, he buys an old encyclopedia, determined to read it through. Well, at least one volume. Well at least one article from it. When Babs has her friends over, Riley tries to show off his one tidbit of info. Can you believe it? He ends up with a cold shoulder from both Babs and Peg. He does get some excellent advice from Digger ODell though. Riley bites the bullet, humbles himself, and asks forgiveness from his wife and daughter. Will that new knowledge ever pay off? Sure! in the final scene Riley gets the chance to shine with his one bit of new knowledge. Maybe.