Lum and Abner – Taxes. 420202

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Lum is very much relieved once the judge in the county seat has exonerated him of all charges. The friends resume their friendship, and settle back into a routine at the Jot 'Em Down store. Lum explains the importance of accurate bookkeeping to Abner. The termonology about overhead confuses Abner. Lum realizes that he also needs to get ready for that time of year for figuring out income tax. The tax forms are enough to confuse anybody, but it's definitely enough to keep Abner thoroughly confused. Does Lum understand it any better? He may find himself paying taxes on income that he doesn't have. Besides the misunderstandings about income, listen in to Lum and Abners goofy ideas on declaring dependants, Deductions, and more.