Amos and Andy – The Locked Trunks Secret with Retro Plus. 431105

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The first in this double feature is, Writing Bad Checks, 1929-04-21. The audio in this first recording isn't too good, but if it gets filtered it only makes the quality worse. Andy tells Amos about his troubles at the bank. He has been made treasurer at the lodge, but the Kingfish can't seem to let go of the job, or the checkbook. When Kingfish is confronted, he talks his way out of being in trouble, but leaves Andy high and dry. The second feature is, The Locked Trunk's Secret, 1943-11-05. Andy has bought a locked steamer trunk at a railroad auction. The nature of the lock creates a mystery. Just what is in that trunk? It becomes an ordeal to find someone to open it. Just at the critical moment, guest star, Peter Lorre comes on the scene to claim his trunk. In his soft spoken, mild, yet creepy voice, he warns against opening it. Thinking they have a victim over a barrel, Kingfish and Andy scheme to sell the trunk back to Peter Lorre at a handsome price. Will it work? Will curiosity win out? What kind of scary, or creepy things might be hiding in that trunk? To keep up the suspense, and curiiosity factor, I'm not saying. Listen and see for yourself. A cool show where creepy meets comedy.