Amos and Andy – Insurance Fraud. 440317

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Kingfish and Amos discuss the newly rekindled love between Andy and Madam Queen, when Henry Van Porter enters to sell Kingfish on renewing his policy. After hearing the benefit of getting cash, just for being hurt is almost a signal for Kingfish to be hit by a car. Don't worry, he really isn't hurt, but he tries his best for fake his injuries and make like they are much worse than they are. The insurance company has their ways of investigating the case. Whose sneaky ways will win out and get the benefit of the insurance policy. In the process, Andy falls prey to the insurance company's secret weapon, a cutie named Irene. I feel a conflict of interest with Madam Queen coming on, bbut if it is going to happen, it'l have to wait for another episode since there's not enough tie in this one to go there. Will Irene get the information she needs for the insurance company? Will Kingfish be a success at faking his symptoms? Will the doctor that Andy hires for the occasion document the proof that Kingfish needs for his injuries? Would you believe that Kingfish falls victim to a mix up, and confides in the insurance company doctor all abou his fake injuries.