Abbott and Costello – Matrimonial Agency. 441026.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Bud and Lou open by talking about the merits of being married. Bud asks Lou about his uncle Hugo and how his wedding went. Bud tries to talk Lou into opening a matrimonial bureau, and doing some matchmaking. The jokes about all things matrimonial take a sponsor break, and Freddie Rich plays, the Very Thought of You. Abbott and Costello move into their new office space, and the phones are already ringing. Mel Blanc is the caller. Verna Felton comes in to be their first customer, but she may be a challenge when it comes to finding a match for her. Next, Mr Kitzel stops in. He's not in the market for getting married, just wants the concession for handling the catering side of their marriage business. Connie Haines sings, It Had to Be You. The business begins to slow down a little, but the marriage jokes keep on coming. Ken Niles tries to get his niece married off to Lou. To encourage the clients to get married, Bud allows his family to be viewed as a model family. To make an impression, Sebastian poses as his little boy. When the parents leave the room, Sebastian sure makes an impression alright, but Lou seems to have some trouble staying in character.