Nero Wolfe – Cop Killer. ep4, 820206. Retro400.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: As Nero Wolfe's assistant, Archie Goodwin screens potential clients for the temperamental genius of a detective, Nero Wolfe. Mr and Mrs Vargas are a married couple who work in a local barber shop, but they have a problem that they can't take to the cops. They admit to Archie that they are illegal immigrants, but their problem is more serious than being discovered and deported. Rather than helping them run from their problems, Archie decides to hide them while he investigates the situation. Is there hidden danger? Is there someone after the couple? What will Nero have to say about the invasion of his privacy by the couple? Archie's investigation takes him to the police station for a load of facts, then to a breathy blonde. What motivations for the crime will he turn up? Staying at Nero Wolfe's soon becomes a dangerous proposition, and Archie tries to keep his clients under wraps. Will the cops track down the real killer on their own? Will the Vargas's be forced to turn themselves in and dclear themselves of the murder, but be deported over their illegal status? What can the usually crabby Nero Wolfe do for his new found friends? So many questions and a confusing situation, not tomention there's a little identity problem, and a few lies that Archie needs to clear up. Nero helps cut through the confusion, and find the answers. PS: No Bonus Tracks today, the show is a bit long. Just a few comments from Keith about the show. Enjoy this treat from a period a little later than the usual time frame of most old time radio programs. It runs about an hour, and is produced by the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC).