Quiet Please – Good Ghost. 481024

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Ernest Chapel tells the story of Gus, a guy who was only recently made into a ghost by his best friend. He discovers he can't go up or down stairs, or in elevators, or subways. He harbors no hard feelings toward his friend Schuester. In life they both loved the same woman, Ada. Gus had become resigned that she loved Schuester more than him, and stepped back from a relationship. What a nice guy. Though he is just trying to help, he causes Schuester a lot of mental anguish. Eventually though, Gus is able to prove himself by showing some of the powers of a ghost, like winning at gambling. When he wins enough cash, Schuester promises to marry Ada. Time goes by and Schuesters taste turn to hitting it big on Wall Street. Years go by, and Gus finds out Ada has been left destitute while Schuester has been living high on the hog. Although there are rules for ghosts to follow, Gus gets a little revenge, and in the end he discovers that he can climb a certain staircase where a special reward is waiting for him.