Let George Do It – The Seven Dead Years. 481025

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A man is looking for a missing woman. It's been nearly seven years and is about to cost him thousands of dollars. The man, Mr Samuels is an insurance agent who has had to pay off on a dead wife of an aledged killer. He's sure the man killed his wife, but with the seven year mark coming up, the law can declare her dead, even without a body, and the company will have to pay out. The suspected killer is an artist, a sculpturer to be exact, and George goes to be a model for his latest creation. It doesn't fool the artist, but it serves to do for character introduction to the artist and his girlfriend. George suspects that the original Mrs McClain was never killed. He and Brooksie set a trap to force her hand to make an appearance. Is she alive? Will she stay alive for much longer? Brooksie turns up a tip at a travel agent, and the clues fall into place. Just when George manages to fall into a well. Do you think you know who did it? As the key players gather around, George tells the whole story, and the odd way that the body was disposed of.