Suspense – After Dinner Story. 431026

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Four men arrive at a dinner party. The host claims to have a reason for calling them together, and tells them in an after dinner story. One year prior, the four men were total strangers who crossed paths on an elevator. They weren't only stuck in a broken elevator, it plummeted to the bottom of the shaft. Why is all this important? One of the men who died was the story teller's son. Here's the mystery, the son was alive when he went in, was alive after the crash, but was found dead of a gunshot wound to the heart when the men were rescued from the elevator. Who did it? None of the men heard a gunshot. How could it happen? The eccentric man has told the four that he planned to divide his son's estate among them. Strange enough, but the suspense is just starting in this mystery. He claims to have discovered who the killer is, and poisned his food. How could he know? Who is it? What if the man is wrong? I don't think we'll have to worry about that much. Listen in to see how the man pulled a fast on on the killer.