Adventures in Research – I Scream You Scream. ep5, 430302

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: One of the most popular people on the Summertime streets is the ice cream man. Todays story tells the story behind ice cream. Dispelling a popular myth about it's origin with Dolly Madison, we touch base with ancient Romans and a treat set before Nero. But an even earlier date is explored relating to ancient nomadic Hebrews. Marco Polo is said to have discovered it in his travels. Regardless of it's beginnings, follow the movement of ice cream around the world, and through time. It showed up in America in colonial times, and with the invention of the ice cream freezer, it moved from a luxury for the wealthy to a treat for anybody. Perfections to the freezing, whipping, and storage processes have made it possible to always a consistent product.