Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibbers Bottle Collection. 410225

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: After spending the past few years collecting bottles, Fibber loads them all up to cash them in. As they prepare to pull away in the car, old Timer makes his observations of Fibbers strange hobby, and gives a plug for the appearance of Fibber on last nights Lux Radio program. Next, Teeny talks to Fibber about his bottles. Billy Mills plays. Pulling up to the grocery store to get his refunds, Fibber has some trouble as he talks to Nick Depopollus. Broken bottles are no good, but only make a dangerous mess. After Harlow Wilcox delivers the commercial, Grocery man, Gale Gordon gives Fibber a hard time over his refund attempt. It seems there's also a dispute over the McGee's grocery bill. Making the rounds to the stores, Fibber gets turned down every where he goes. Dejected, he finally finds a buyer in Mrs. Uppington. Not only does she pay top dollar for Fibbers bottles, but springs to take the McGee's out for dinner. The Kingsmen sing, The Covered Wagon Rolls Right Alon . As Fibber complains about things in general, Gildersleeves drops by to mope. Gildy tells the secret of why Uppington bought those bottles. What could the reason be? Why would it be so upsetting to both Gildersleeves, and Fibber?Just remember that times, and social status were different back then.