Martin and Lewis – George Jessell. 491021.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Dean and Jerry bicker while leading up to their idea to audition for television. They are still looking for help for their nightclub, but the gal who wants a job as a cigarette girl may not meet their ideal. Sounds like a case of age discrimination if you ask me. After reading the gossip pages, Jerry is inspired to break into Darrel Zanick's next big movie production. All they need is a contact who can get them a meeting. On the street, the guys run into Sidney Sheldon, who claims to be a big tallent scout and agent. Dean sings, Dark Town Strutters Ball. Elsewhere George Jessel is facing being fired, but what's an old actor to do for a career move? Dean and jerry go to George's office to ask a favor to see the famous movie director, but instead George milks them for a job in their club, as they joke around about it. George sings a verse or two, to demonstrate his worthiness. will the guys all help each other out? Dean sings his latest song featured in their film,My Friend Irma. The guys finally get to meet Darrel Zanek, and put on their best, and funniest performances. Even George Jessel gets in a few bars of song. But will it all be enough to impress the producer?