Gunsmoke – Ma Tennis. 541023

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A young gambler, Andy, approaches Miss Kitty about the possibility of bringing him luck. The card game goes wrong when a man is accused of cheating, and a murder is committed. Andy is hauled off to jail by Matt, while Andy's brother goes for their mom. The tough old Mrs Tennis takes custody of her boy. She's already lost her husband to the hangman after a crime, and wants to cling to her boy. Will her efforts reform the son? Can Matt take him back into custody, and to trial without shooting down Mrs Tennis? When Matt rides out to the homestead, the old woman is putting the finishing touches on a grave. Did she actually kill her son? She is going to turn herself in, tomorrow. Matt has his own surprise for her when she does. In the wild and wooly west, how does a tough Marshall fight a woman? It'll take a battle of wits.