Gunsmoke – Til Death Do Us Part. 561021

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In Dodge City, Matt and Chester talk about a local homesteader and the hard time that he and his wife have faced. Ezra is an old fashioned type who believes women should be seen and not heard. Shots ring out, and are intended for old Ezra and Myra. With the mystery shooting put aside for the moment, Matt talks with Doc about the old couple. Who would want them killed? Was it Ezra, or Myra that was the intended victim? Doc's task at making his sugar pills is interupted when Kitty enters to fill in what she knows about old Ezra. Ezra might have a few enemies afterall. He seems to have been judgemental and vocal in disapproving of the ladies of the salloon. The plot thickens when Chester turns up with word about a hitman. A run in with the hit man has Ezra in an upset state, but Matt saves the day for now. Is there some other secrets that he's still keeping? What will Matt discover when he and Chester ride out to talk with Myra? Though Myra admits to being beaten, and otherwise abused over her 27 year marriage, she respects her vows for the sacred institution. It's just that she has suddenly decided to hasten the "Until death do us part" clause in it. Can you blame her?