Vic and Sade – Fred And The Fifth Tire. 411010

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The nerve of Fred Stembottom! His crazy comment has Sade up in arms. What is the outrageous request that was made to her? It's enough to make Vic want to paste him one along the snoot. Although it wouldn't take much for Vic to want to do that. What's it all about? Despite a few comical reactions from both Vic and Rush, Sade spills her guts about the suggestion to buy each other tires for their cars for Christmas. I don't think it's the wierd gift idea from Fred, as much as the blatqant lies that he is trying to pass off on Sade. She may not be the highest educated person around, but she knows human behavior, and her sentimental and emotional side has kicked in as she rants about the dirty deal. PS: Considering that in 1942, tires, and all rubber products were scarce and all going into the war effort, it might be a crazy idea, but one nudging into a practical realm for folks of the day. Giving tires as Christmas presents.