Eddie Cantor – Guest, Jinx Falkenburg. 410205.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: It's one of Eddie's many birthdays, and Harry Vonzel tries to get Eddie to admit how old he is. Dinah Shore joins the fun and jokes about birthdays. Dinah sings, Let's Make it Real. Glamour girl of 1941, Jinx Falconberg pops in to do some poking fun at Eddie's age. Eddie chats it up about the modeling success of Jinx, and they compare notes on how they each have themselves insured, and their work out routines. A running gag on the show is Eddie buying an apartment house. Today, he wants Jinx to rent a room from him. Singer, Olive Major sings an operetic aria. At the apartment, Eddie has to evict the previous tenant so Jinx can move in. It's Burt Gordon, the Mad Russian. You never know what crazy things that guy will say as the conversation and jokes bounce from education to entertainment, and more. Eddie sings a modified version of the Phil Harris hit, That's What I Like About the South. PS: Though Jack Benny was famous for lying about his age, Eddie actually had a reason for claiming any age he wanted. He never knew what his actual birthday was. His birth records were lost, and he was raised by his grandparents. He knew the year, and an approximate date, and claimed January 31 as his birthday. If I'm mistaken in my facts, somebody please take the time to leave a comment and correct me.