Dragnet – The Big Lie. 551018.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Joe Friday and Frank Smith work the Homacide detail. Frank tells Joe the latest family news, and some trouble with his brother in law. The small talk is put to a stop when a phone call reports the murder of a woman's son. The distraught mom tells the cops about a man who had an arguement with her son. After he left, she found her son dead. The woman seems plagued with troubles as she explains that her daughter had committed suicide in the house in the past. Her story includes arguements with her son over the girls death, then he would go out and drink to blow off steam afterward. Later, Mr Dudley is tracked down, and the cops question him about the murder. In voiceover, Joe tells about all the other leads, and progress with other methods the police have to verify their suspects. The options are pared away, and it's back to talk with mom. Suddenly dear old mom gets defensive when Joe and Frank uncover a gun in her house. Did she kill her own son? Crime lab evidence, and other sources are pointing that way. The truth comes out with the end of show confession. Was it Mr Dudley, mom, or a remaining brother? Listen and learn