Philip Marlowe – Where There’s A Will. 481017.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: While minding his business driving down the street, Philip finds a dame in an emergency situation, and gives her a lift. Of all the cars in the city, trouble has just taken a ride with Philip Marlowe. Later, a big job lands on Philip's desk to work for a man who is formidible both in wealth and physique. A paticular woman needs to be nvestigated over the matter of a will. There's a matter of stolen bonds, a complicated game set forth in a will, and stolen maps. Who is the mysterious little man who threads his way through the scenes to work his mischief? The plot thickens, and twists, then Barbara, the dame from earlier in the show is back with a stake in the will from aunt Bernice. Dager arises when somebody wants to improve their portion of the will when brake lines cause a near fatality. Philip offers descriptive narrative as the adventure moves to the shores of Indian Lake. It's all as an effort to use that convoluted treasure map and find the missing bonds before the deadline set in the will. Philip is ever observant for clues, both in finding the treasure, and trying to figure out who is sabotaging the game. Will the pranks and accidents get serious enough to end up in murder? Can Philip stop it before it does? Enjoy the treasure hunt, the thril of the adventure, and try to figure out who is behind the dirty deeds and accidents.