Gunsmoke – The Gambler. 561007

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: As Matt and Chester talk in the Marshall's office, a gambler comes in to ask for help in finding a man named Jim Cass. Matt suspects that murder is the intent, and gives a warning against harming the mild mannered local man. What has Jim Cass done in the past to the Ohio Riverboat gambler, Askim, to warrant the hatred and intent on revenge? Since Askim is being tight lipped over the matter, Matt rides to talk to Jim. According to Jim, the men have never met, but he's a survivor and willing to defend himself if it comes to it. A confrontation is sure to go down, and a dark secret is revealed about Jim's past. Misunderstandings and bigotry make a mix that could explode into gunplay. Can Matt difuse the tension, or will there be another death before the show is done? Matt takes a gamble that may, or may not pay off.