Great Gildersleeves – Leroy Buys A Car, 510905. (retro399)

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: After the family has returned from Summertime activities, they share a few highlights of their camping, fishing, and other outdoor outings. Is Leroy showing signs of getting older and mellowing out? I think it's just a matter of getting bigger, and wanting biger toyhs. Cars are expensive, so Gildy tries to discourage the matter by telling Leroy he can only get a car if he saves up for it. How long could that take? What kind of a car can be purchased for $5? Consider that in modern dollas, that's about $50. Finding Leroy having fun with his new heap, Gildy takes a walk, and encounters Judge Hooker. Will Gildy let Leroy keep the old clunker if he can convince him that it will never run? Providing a little muscle to the crank, Gildy gets the car running, and hope springs in Leroy at the prospect of keeping the old machine. Now that Leroy has his old cluncker running, Gildy has to face up to his promise to teach his nephew how to drive. Trying to find a way out of his promise, Gildersleeves sneaks out early for a breakfast at Peavey's drugstore. Though the car runs, will the cops let it pass a safety inspection so Leroy can get license plates? Will this be the day Leroy learns to drive? Will the car be a keeper, or condemned? Get ready for a surprise ending when the Police Chief lends his hand to the situation. Bonus Track: Tony Martin and Dinah Shore. 1951, A Penny a Kiss. PS: In the show, Leroy claims to have only 15 cents worth of gas. Though that might be only a few drops in our modern cas tanks, it was probably between a half to a full gallon in 1951. His old clunker was also said to be getting 30 MPG. Impressive for the beat up old thing. r