Whistler – Treasure Hunt. 460121

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Robert Bolton was an egotist who felt the world owed him a living. He lived a charmed life, taking anything he could to gain from it, and dodging the pitfalls. We find him today in the small town train station in Redman. Seemingly on a whim, he decides to get off and visit for a while. What does he expect to take from this little whistle stop of a town? In the Randolph home, Robert puts the moves on the old spinsters, with his sites on getting his hands on their sizeable inheritance. Will they believe his story of being an author? Poor, homely Martha has fallen for the smooth con man. Will her new found love blind her to the true intent of her lover? Little does she know that Robert's plans have no room for her, other than to leave er holding the bag. The sheriff isn't the only one who harbrs a doubt, but he can't put his finger on the scam that's going down. Martha's spinster sister isn't too keen on the intruder, and his plans have a kink thrown into the mix. Will Robert be able to pull off his scam, and get away? Will a death be standing in the wings of our little drama? Robert has a strange ending waiting for him, and justice has it's own way of balancing his life of misdeeds.