X Minus One – Project Trojan. ep55, 560619

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The biggest messes in history have been made by two types of minds, the devious, and the litteral. Revisit a few moments back in the recent World War for a story where science fiction meets science fact. Secret plans for the biggest battle tank thus fa have fallen into the hands of Brittish intelligence. Can it be real, or is it all justa ruse? It's the kind of stuff that's ripe for science fiction magazines. To play it safe, construction on the secret weapon is implimented immediately. Plans for Project Trojan, and it's death ray run into engineering troubles, but no expense will keep the project from moving forward. Glitches are sure to pop up, and delays create overruns in the completion date. Will this thing ever be completed before the war is over? Enjoyu the light hearted spy and counter spy action, right up to the time the whole project has run into it's final phase.