Halls Of Ivy – The Bentheimers And The Census. 500621

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Doc Hall is to be interviewed, but an emergency has erupted when Mr Wellman has another crisis. What is the latest emergency for the school board? A vagrant with 7 kids has moved onto the campus grounds. The man is something of a notorious figure, as we learn from Wellman's rant about the outrageous situation. What can Doc Hall and Vicky do about running off the undesireable family? They go to pay the Bentheimers a visit. Even a homeless family has their pride. The soft hearted Doc Hall decides to do what he can to help the family get a break on their luck. Caught between his logical side, and his sympathetic side, Doc Hall has to face up to the school authorities. A discovery about Mr Wellman and his relatives might provide the link needed to provide the solution to the homeless familyThe added boost to the population is the thing to push zoning rules, and win a construction contract that will be beneficial to all. Now the ball is back in Mr Wellman's court, if only he can find it in himself to woo the Bentheimers to stay put for the census. Might they even wind up with a permanent home, and a job?