Wild Bill Hickock – The Champion of Faro Flats. ep 79, 520516

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A gang of bandits have their work broken up when Wild Bill and Jingles ride along the prairies. The owner of the wagon shares his plans to be the champion of the big contest, but Jingles is doubtful of his chances. What kind of contest can a bullfrog hope to win? Why are men determined to keep the frog from showing up? Honor is at stake in a tale that's worthy of Mark Twain, and his Jumping Frog of Calavaras County. Desperate miners and rough men are behind the danger and western suspense, but Jingles manages to add a bit of comic relief to the action. But as hungry as Jingles can get, suerrely he wouldn't resort to eating the prize winning jumping frog of his friend. Would he? Don't worry, it wasn't anything as gruesome as that, but get ready for some last minute froggie action.