Whitehall 1212 – Case Of The Black Gladstone Bag. 520323

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The inspectors of Scotland Yard share how a gladstone bag came into their possession, and how it was connected to murder. A mix up in returning a bag to its rightful owner at a cloak room, has the bag, and its blood soaked contents at the police station. Mr Digman files his statement of innocence, and how a stranger had his bag. Can his wierd story be believed about how the blood got there? It might seem incriminating and lame, if there werent a ring of truth to it. The cops are curious enough to pursue the chain of evidence. As the clues in the statement are verified, the case develops. Does everything match up? What will they find? Bank robbery? Murder? Missing persons? Is Digman the confused victim that he claims, or has he actually committed the violent murder? As carefully laid as the killer's plans were, jussjustice triumphs in the end.