Richard Diamond – Brown Envelope Case. 511207

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: It was a dark and stormy night, with a sultry dame and a hard boiled detective. The resulting fender vbender sets Dick Diamond off to a repair shop, and a mystery. What is there in the wrecked car that gets a tough guy crossing paths with Richard Diamond? Not to mention dead. The cops get the story from Richard, and all the details. Listen in, and you'll get the clues as wel. A brown envelope provides the motivation for desperate gangsters to want it back in a bad way. The ellusive envelope manages to find itself in the hands of Dick, and he's off to get more out of his sultry dame. What does she know? What might she be hiding? Find out for sure when Dick gets on the trail of gangsters at the nightclub. You know it's going to involve trouble. Will the crooks come to justice? Will Dick get the girl? Stay tuned for the romantic, musical ending.