Great Gildersleeves – Leroy is Jealous Of Baby. 480922

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: or the past two weeks, Gildersleeves has been visited by an abandoned baby. He stops in at Peavey's to pick up a roll of film to take pictures of the baby. With all the attention, LeRoy feels left out, and is jealous. The baby even moves into LeRoy's room, and he is pushed out into the sewing room. Gildy discovers that LeRoy has disappeared. Miss Goodwin stops in to talk about LeRoy and the baby, teachers and principles know about these things. Slammed with the truth, and potential problems, Gildy has a wake up call. He faces up to LeRoy and makes amends. Although LeRoy doesn't move back in to the house. He is allowed to camp out in his clubhouse. Hey, that does seem like a pretty cool thing to do. I wish I had a clubhouse, Now I'm jealous.