Dr Kildare – Sam Lubinski Has Spinal Paralysis. 500921

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Despite the fast paced changes in modern medicine, Dr Kildare wishes it would move faster, to relieve those who are ailing. His discussion with the elder Dr Gillespie is interupted by an urgent call. A spinal chord injury is the result of an accident, but can our heros save their patient? Doctors Kildare and Gillespie are both on hand for the dramatic rescue, and using all the high tech measures available to them at the time, a life is saved. The question remains, how much help can they provide for the now paralized man? The high tech methods of the rescue, and medical treatment are dramatic, but seem quaint by today's standards. The doctores try to solve the mystery of what the source of the paralisis might be. Shrapnel, or a foreign body in the patient? Is it something that can be removed? Even so, will it heal the patient, or just help him from getting worse? The barrage of high technology may do well to have a nudge from some good nursing from nurse Parker, and an old fashioned technique from Doc Gillespie.