Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Great Gildersleeve – Going to Grass Lake. ep174, 450902 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

Marjorie and Leroy butter up their uncle. Will the effort convince him to take the family to Grass Lake for their vacation? What does Gildy have against the resort? Birdie puts in her 2 cents worth regarding Gildy’s relaxing at home. Her subtle attempt to change his mind falls short. When Peavey visits’ he offers his advice, as he shares his own troubles with his wife. Craig Bullard arrives to not only annoy Gildersleeve, butt to cause trouble with the unflappable Mr. Peavy. After dreams trouble his sleep, Gildersleeve is visited by Judge Hooker. Just what ever happened to Craig Bullard and his game of hide but not seek with Leroy? Has the family finally gained up on the great man to cause him to cave in? The four hour Drive to Grass Lake ends up taking 8 hours, with the holiday traffic. Arriving after dark, what else could go wrong for Gildersleeve’? How about being lodged in the Honeymoon cottage with Judge Hooker. a restless night does not help Gildersleeve’s nerves. There’s not much left of the weekend, other than the traffic jam filled ride home roundss out the weekend. The only one who seemed to have fun is Leroy.

 Lone Ranger – Strong Medicine. 450601. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:37

One of the leading ladies in town comes to see her nephew doctor about her ailing heart. Using some rough bedside manner, the young doctor sees through her fake illness and argues that he wants to marry her daughter, and not let her be swept away by the sheriff, aunt Lucy’s choice. Soon, gossip spreads like wildfire that there is a terrible rift between the doctor and aunt Lucy. Later, Lucy tries to push the young sheriff together with the young Marylin, but she announces that it won’t do any good since her plan is to marry the doctor. Lucy goes into a heart-attack fit, but when she actually has one, and dies, the doctor is blamed for doing it on purpose. Elsewhere, the news reaches the ears of the Lone Ranger. Dan claims to know where the doctor is hiding. Dan 2was followed, and the sheriff who now wants to arrest the Lone Ranger doesn’t see the fishy story for what it is. Making their get away, Dan and the Lone Ranger leave the sheriff in the dust, and ride off to meet Marilyn and the doctor to get their story. Can Lone Ranger save the doctor? He’ll at least see that he gets a fair shake. In a struggle between Marilyn and the sheriff, she accidentally shoots him. The only one who can save him is the doctor. As the doctor is sent for, the aling sheriff shows his lack of character. What does the doctor do? If he saves the sheriff, he faces being hanged. If he lets him die, it still puts the doctor in a bad light. When the doc does all he can, the sheriff gets worried and panicky. He thinks the doc is out to kill him, and comes clean about the murder of Lucy. In the end, it’s the doctor with the last laugh as he explains what the Lone Ranger already figured out, and the true seriousness of the sheriff’s wound.

 Aldrich Family – Mary’s New Dress (Sergeant Birch). 431104 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:47

There seems to be trouble at the dinner table, when Mary is giving the cold shoulder to Henry over a matter of a dress. Is the story about Sgt. Birch just something to sooth Mary’s anger? Or is there some truth behind him? ? Determined to make Mary believe them, both Mr. Aldrich, and Henry set out to conspire about the mysterious Sgt. Birch. The mysterious sergeant calls Mary, but no one expects her to invite him over for dinner. The lonesome, and lovelorn Mary is thrilled to have a gentleman caller. But the rest of the family isn’t sure about having her me a stranger. Soon everyone goes into high gear to find a suitable sergeant for marry to meet,, and have over to their house. Favors are called in to friends, the searches on, and soon not only one, not only to, but no less than three sergeants are found for Mary. How did this happen? Where did they all come from? The abundance of sergeants may be confusing, but in the and I think that Mary wins.

 Molle Mystery Theater – Witness For The Prosecution. 460531 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:16

Audio is poor and staticky. Police descend on a crime scene after a murder, and a woman claiming to be a friend of the dead woman points them to a jilted lover. There’s a matter of an inheritance, a devoted wife who actually hates her husband. What disfunctional marital drama will be dredged up? The investigators seem to blunder through the evidence, preffering to believe in conventional virtues, and ignoring the unvarnished emotions of the players in the story. Courtroom drama unfolds, but at least it picks away at the circumstantial evidence. Will the prosecution manage to get through the emotional testimony, and lies? Who can be believed, and what hard evidence might prove who committed the murder? Is this the kind of story where the criminal pours forth a dramatic admission of their crimes in a heated moment in court? Will the innocent man on trial be set free? With the embarrassment at going to trial, will it matter?

 Lum and Abner – Abner Asks About The Contest. 450116 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Cedric is in the Jot Em Down store to ask Abner all about Lum’s success in the singing competition. The trouble is, Abner never did find out exactly how it went. What does Cedric know2 about the courtship between Lum and his school teacher? He’s out of class today, due to something special in the works. When Lum arrives with a song on his lips, it could be a good sign. Will some of that good luck rub off on Cedric? The overgrown lad leaves, but will Abner have his curiosities satisfied? Lum seems awfully modest for returning with a first place ribbon. Wasn’t he nervous? Did his voice waiver and quiver? What was his comppetition like? He won’t mind showing off his talents will he? Sister Simpson phones in to announce some plans she has for Lum.

 Abbott and Costello – Elsa Maxwells Party. 460530. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:48

Broadcast from New York, Bud gives Lou a hard time over being late, then the jokes turn to girls, dating, and getting ready for the big party at Elsa Maxwells house. bud tries to teach Lou about modern dancing. Later, Mrs Niles stops in to visit and swap insults with Lu. Mellonhead enters to express his concern that Lou will ruin the party at Elsa’s, but they get into an argument over pancakes. Later at the party, and after a few insults, Elsa has a play she wants to do with the guys, Anthony and Cleopatra. The love story is filled with insults and all manner of jokes about the battle of the sexes. Note: Elsa Maxwell was a well known stage actress, but from the joking around, apparently one who was a larger lady, and one fit to dish the jokes right back at Lou.

 Lone Ranger – Heros Grave. 450530. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:02

The stage coach races into the small Western town with it’s three passengers. It’s not the first trip for two of the occupants, but it’s Dan Reed’s first ride in a stage coach. They talk about the courageous soldier who was killed, and is the father and husband of the young lady and child in the stage coach. The group is met by a loud mouthed teenager who makes claims that the dead soldier might not be as honorable as esteemed by the kid on the stage coach. Can it be true? Is it just the tauntings of a kid with a malicious spirit? In the Lone Ranger’s camp, Dan tells all about the incident. Lone Ranger knows the truth, and tells Dan about it. As the telling fades into flashback mode, we learn about the fallen Army officer , and the actions that preceeded his death. The Lone Ranger narrates as the players relive the past drama. Details emerge that make it seem that the murdered man, Benson, may have a drug problem. When Benson is shot, the Lieutenant’s name is shouted, and the aide claims that Lt Carsley escaped through the window. There are facts that don’t line up in the Lone Ranger’s mind, but the evidence stacks up against the Lieutenant. He was condemned to face a firing squad, but was spared that dishonor only when he was killed in action against an indian raid. After the mid show commercial break, as our trio of heros ride to se the modern day Captain, now a Colonel, the story continues. They run a recreation of the crime scene and events. What do they hope to prove? Will the Colonel be on their side? Lone Ranger has it figured out, and the enactment reveals the truth. It’s a suicide, and a set up. But why? Don’t worry, all the details are revealed. How can the facts be used to make things right? If anybody can do it, the Lone Ranger can, and in great dramatic and emotional style. Though mom and Jimmy have always had confidence, they are specially honored to have their fallen soldier cleared and honored by all.

 Burns and Allen – guest Ben Gage. 460530 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:34

Gracie shows off her expertise on sports, as she and George discuss the upcoming fight between Joe Louis and Bob Kahn. It’s part of her new venture as being a gossip columhnist. The two plan a trip to New York to see the fight in person, but who can they get to replace them for the Summer? Bill Goodwin makes an appearance with his suggestion. The Happy Postman delivers a letter, and his idea on the topic of a Summer replacement, plus the latest in the marital bickering at home. His letter is an award for musical performance on the show, and George begins a singing tirade. Gracie has to put a damper on the fun from Sugarthroat Burns, when she reads the award was for band leader, Meredeth Willson. Can Meredeth handle a show all on his own? Ben Gage makes an appearance, besides being the male vocalist, in addition to the King Sisters, for the Summer musical replacement show, he apparently gives Bill a run for the money in the good looks, and sponsor message delivery departments. Ben keeps getting Bills name wrong, and insults fly. In the end, George and Gracie say their goodbyes for the season, and head out on their trip.

 Phil Harris – The Picnic. ep105, 490529. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:34

Alice and the girls have been after Phil to take them on a picnic, and today is the big day. At the breakfast table, Phil seems to be absent minded over the event. When Willie stops in, the typical bickering starts up, but before it’s done, there’s a little role reversal going on. Phil has an early band rehearsal, but the band has some trouble getting going at the early hour. To keep the guys motivated, he ends up having to invite not only Remley, but the whole band. The rebellious band plays as Phil sings, Five Foot Two Eyes of Blue. The gals are all set to go, and though Alice is willing to bend on letting Frankie tag along she isn’t so keen on being joined by a 40 piece band. At the picnic site, the family enjoy the day. Alice has a solution for all the problems at hand so she takes time to break out in song with, Highland Fling. Frankie goes overboard with spraying for insects, Phil spilled all the milk for the kids. Julius arrives with the extra sandwiches, and saves the day. But what about the milk? Conveniently, a cow is found nearby. With a side reference to Lum and Abner, Phil and Frankie try to milk the beast, but it’s Julius who again saves the day. Pretty good for a kid from Brooklyn. And in 3/4 time too. Not to mention some great one liners and comebacks. Just when things are going well, the band arrives. Descending on the picnic like a swarm of ravaging locust. Hey, what happened to Julius?

 Lum and Abner – Lum Wins First Prize. 450115 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Today is the day Lum is to return from the singing contest, and Abner is excited to hear how it went. He reviews the events thus far with grandpap. The contest was in order to make an impression o the school teacher, Emiline Platt. The gents speculate how well Lum placed in the contest. Will there be any first place ribbons? They allow that its more likely Lum dame in third. Their waiting and speculations come to an end when Lum approaches the store. Will he be too embarrassed to say much about his accomplishments? He plays it close to the vest, and is more interested in knowing whether Miss Emiline may have said about him. Just how well did Lum do? Has Abner’s expert advice paid off once again?

 Vic and Sade – Decoration Day Parade. 370528 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:14

Vic comes home with news about big shots who want him to be in charge of the Decoration Day parade, but there’s a conflict. He has to make a business trip to Chicago at the same time, and there won’t be anyone else to carry out the parade arrangements. What’s the nbig deal? Why won’t everybody just line up at the cemetary, and march through town like they always do? Vic may be taking his self importance a little too far, but he doesn’t see it that way. When the Mayor and others offer alternate measures, and call Vic by the wrong name, he see’s it all as an attempt to overthrowe his authority. Parades are of high importance to Vic and his overkill in arranging them. Will there even be a prade without Vic? PS: Decoration Day was the original name for what is now called Memorial Day. Since it honored the fallen soldiers in our country’s wars, it often began or ended at the cemetary. Speeches and picnics accompanied the event as the entire community came together for the honors.

 On Stage – The Hanging at Four Oaks. ep21, 530528. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:40

Of all the dramas presented in the program by Elliot and Cathy, one that has been missing so far is a western. Join in as Elliot is a stranger who rides to Four Oaks, and claims to be good with his guns. Cathy is a salloon girl. The story develops in their conversation as well as a little voiceover. Elliot is out to save a friend from the noose, but the whole town has determined the friend to be guilty. It’s jungle law, and Elliot has an uphill battle to bring justice to his friend? In his desperate search for help, and a friendly face, Elliot returns to the salloon. The situation only looks more bleak though. Will Elliot be facing his own noose before his adventure is over? It’s a hard story, in a hard land, that features harsh people.

 Lum and Abner – Abner’s Plan Not Working For Ira. 450111 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

For the first time in years, Ira Hodgkins livery stable could be showing some profit. Today, Squire Skimp is on hand to hear all about how Abner’s advice help turn things around. Squire is even more surprised, when he hears how even Abner’s poppa was involved in Ira’s new profit-making venture. A phone call may bring word about Lum’s progress at the state singing competition, but an unhappy Ira arrives to complain about his dishpan hands. The women folk of the Hodgkin’s home aren’t willing to leave their profitable business venture, and Ira is doomed to the washing from now on. Abner got him into this mess, now can he get Ira out of it? To get a toehold back in his stable, Abner suggests Ira be taken on as employee of the ladies. Will the proud man go for being his wife’s employee? Will Abner’s inquiry mislead the ladies into thinking Doc Peabody is looking for work

 Andrews Sisters – Guest – Charioteers. ep50, 460220 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:01

Featuring: Harlowe Wilcox, Vic Shone Orchestra. Playlist: * Blue Heaven. (Andrews Sisters, Kirt Massey) * Walter Wenchel Rumba. (Andrews Sisters) * I’m not Having Any this Year. (Kirt Massey) * Let It Snow. (Andrews Sisters) * Salute to the Charioteers. * Swing Low Sweet Chariot. (Charioteers) * Gaucho Serenade. (Charioteers) * Pennsylvania Polka. (Andrews Sisters) * Some Sunday Morning. (Patty Andrews, Kirt Massey) * Somewhere the Sun is Shining. (Andrews Sisters,, Kirt Massey)

 Behind The Mike – Enoch Lights Disappearance From The Airways. ep33, 410504 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:47

The story of orchestra leader, Enoch lights and his disappearance from the airwaves leads off the show. The musician recounts his successful tour, and a car ride back to Boston. The head-on collision resulted in fatalities, a long road back to recovery, and a new start with a new band. The oddities in radio segment shares some early radio flubs. A representative from a radio advertising firm shares how a program makes it on the air. Advertisers look for a time slot, the audience they want to appeal to, and more. Trips to stores, and local markets in towns can also add viable information when it comes to the habits of how customers shop. Now it’s up to the sponsor to decide, once the pitch is made. Sound effect of the week. Learn how the effect of an air raid is made. Don Amazo was a favorite show from bygone decades in radio that featured a violinist. a short dramatization of that program is shared. A brief transition takes us to Hollywood, where Don Wilson helps to celebrate Jack Benny’s 10th anniversary of being on the radio. Jack shares his memories of being invited on the air by his columnist friend, Ed Sullivan. What were some of Jack’s first words on the air? He shares a brief comedy bit that he did back then. How was he received? How did his cast members first appear? Mary? Rochester? What’s his rehearsal schedule like? How did his feud with Fred Allen begin? The show transfers back to New York, just in time to wrap up.


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