Behind The Mike – Enoch Lights Disappearance From The Airways. ep33, 410504

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The story of orchestra leader, Enoch lights and his disappearance from the airwaves leads off the show. The musician recounts his successful tour, and a car ride back to Boston. The head-on collision resulted in fatalities, a long road back to recovery, and a new start with a new band.<br> The oddities in radio segment shares some early radio flubs.<br><br> A representative from a radio advertising firm shares how a program makes it on the air. Advertisers look for a time slot, the audience they want to appeal to, and more. Trips to stores, and local markets in towns can also add viable information when it comes to the habits of how customers shop. Now it’s up to the sponsor to decide, once the pitch is made. <br> Sound effect of the week. Learn how the effect of an air raid is made. Don Amazo was a favorite show from bygone decades in radio that featured a violinist. a short dramatization of that program is shared.<br> A brief transition takes us to Hollywood, where Don Wilson helps to celebrate Jack Benny’s 10th anniversary of being on the radio. Jack shares his memories of being invited on the air by his columnist friend, Ed Sullivan. What were some of Jack’s first words on the air? He shares a brief comedy bit that he did back then. How was he received? How did his cast members first appear? Mary? Rochester? What’s his rehearsal schedule like? How did his feud with Fred Allen begin?<br> The show transfers back to New York, just in time to wrap up.<br>