Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Box 13 Killer At Large. ep44, 490619. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:27

An unusual request lands in box 13, a request for Dan to kill the letter writer. Is it just some kind of a prank? Dan goes to visit the man in person just to see what the real story is about. On the way, a tough guy intercepts him. What he finds is a paranoid man who is afraid of being killed. What happened? Simon had been depressed and actually hired a hit man to kill him. Having a change of heart, and discovered a reason for living, he now wants Dan to help find and stop the hit man. Can Dan help, will he? You know he will. The middleman who was paid cash to locate a hit mann is found dead. It’s still a place to start, and Dan begins his hunt for a killer. Whether the mystery man, Scot is a real person, or an alias, the gun in Dan’s back is all too real. With the information that Dan turns up after his dramatic faceoff, he is taken full circle. What news will he have for Simon Andrews about the mysterious Scot? What is the letter about that Dan has for Simon? The plot twists are just as tangled as ever as Dan runs through his courses once again. It isn’t until the body count rises that things become clear for Dan. A story of blackmail, trust, and a gambling racket explodes to the surface. Dan’s in danger from the desperate gangster, but will he be able to get out of this one alive? By the end, you’ll discover how smart and handy Dan is with the truth, and a good bluff.

 Burns and Allen – George Sells the Chicken Farm. 460314 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:59

To become financially secure, Gracie has invested in a chicken ranch. Today she tries to explain the logic behind it to George. Is he insist that he be obeyed as her husband, Meredith Willson arrives for investment advice from Gracie. He hopes to find a girl to Date, in The newspaper ads. Once George returns, Gracie tries to butter him up about his age. How can someone be as handsome as him and only 36 years? If George doesn’t fall for her flattery and my’s, maybe Bill Goodwin will? The happy postman arrives, and learns about Gracie’s new idea of starting a matrimonial bureau. Why would she do that to innocent people and she doesn’t even know? He wonders. One of her slogans, “for a small down payment I’ll hold them until you can” The smiling Irishwoman deals and husbands, like a used car salesman sells cars. Gracies first customer is eager to snap up Bill goodwin, but what about poor Meredith? When George arrives, Gracie gets him to think she’s really selling hats from collection. The misunderstanding leads into some fun comedy mixups. George finds out, and puts his foot down. But what cost will that be too Gracies matrimonial business? Note: Tommy Manville was well known for being a wealthy, eligible bachelor of the day.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Night Out With the Boys. ep284, 410422 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:46

Fibber is restless as he plans on a night out with the boys. Molly recognizes his cagey manner, but has other ideas for him. Gildersleeve visits to pick up his little chum, but the veiled excuses are fended off by Molly. A phone call from Abigail Uppington clues us in that Molly knows the truth about Fibber’s poker game. Billy Mills plays some cool dance music. Fibber and Gildersleeve learn the Old Timer may need to bow out of the poker game. What about Harlowe Wilcox? Still making the rounds, Fibber learns that Nick Depopolos is also having trouble getting his wife’s permission. Teeny arrives, but has trouble understanding the urge the guys have to play poker. The Kingsmen sing, the Hutsa Song. Gildersleeve and Fibber argue over who dropped the ball in planning the game. With all the other players dropping out, will the evening be a total failure? Wallace Wimple is back,. But will he prove to be a good poker companion?

 Lum and Abner – Mose Moots Dyes Lums Hair. 450129 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

All is well between Lum and Miss Emiline, especially once all of Lum’s adventures have been admitted to her. Today, Abner complains about the smelly hair tonic that Lum is using. There’s more to the artificial flavoring then just smell. Lum insists on keeping his hat on his head. Is there something wrong with this haircut? Abner just can’t stop harping on Lum’s hat, and the smelly tonic. There is something peculiar about it. Further investigation turns up some highly polished shoes. What else might Lum have had done to him? a manicure? Mud on his face? For the land sakes! Has something terrible happened? Has some sort of accident happened that involves Lum’s head? Abner never expected to see Lum’s gray hair gone, and dark hair replacing it.

 Great Gildersleeve – Leroy Is Suspended from School. ep176, 450916 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:48

After being suspended at school, Leroy finds himself doing all manner of chores at home. He has to learn that a suspension is not a vacation. Bertie learns details over Leroy’s new schoolteacher, being replaced with his old teacher. Can she get Gildersleeve to relent, and let Leroy at least have a little playtime? Later, Marjorie has Marshall Bullard over to see him off because he leaves for college. Though seeing the young manned leave makes him happy, Gildy learns that Leroy is still hard at work. This is not like him. What’s going on? Leroy is still working, though he was allowed to go out and play, It’s because his friends shunned him due to the black mark of his suspension. Seeing that Leroy is being punished more than his offense, Gildy’s disciplinary pendulum swings the other way, and he lets the boy have treats at the drug store and go see a movie. PV looks down at this, but hasn’t he ever committed any defenses when he was a boy? When a woman from town give Gildy the cold shoulder in the drugstore, he learned that Leroy’s dark cloud is hanging over him as well. Judge Hooker offer some advice for Gildy, and it’s pointed out that he’s on the school board. Will Gildy resort to throwing his weight around the school to get his way, will he be able to shorten Leroy’s suspension. The great man will do what he can, but Leroy will have to apologize.

 Andrews Sisters – Guest – Gene Austin. ep51, 460227 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:21

Audio skips, but not much until the guest appears. Harlowe Wilcox, Vic Shone Orchestra. Playlist * Ain’t We Got Fun. (Andrews Sisters, Kirt Massey) * Personality. (Andrews Sisters) * I Can’t Begin to Tell You. (Kirt Massey) * Pennies from Heaven. (Andrrews Sisters) * Salute to Gene Austin. * Medley: My Blue Heaven, Look Down the Lonesome Road. (Gene Austin) * Tippy Tin. (Andrews Sisters) * Onsie(Twosie. Patty Andrews, Kirt Massey) * Medley: Swannee River, O Susanna, Old Black Joe, Camp Town Races. (Andrews Sisters, Kirt Massey)

 Judy Canova – Two Gun Gertie, A Play. 460615 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:07

Judy opens with a song, One More Dream and He’s Mine. Cousin Sophie has sent Judy a letter of news from Cactus Junction, and tells about her family who miss her. Crops are failing, but there’s enough in the letter to inspire Judy to see about getting her play produced in her local theater. She pitches her play about Two Gun Gertie to the theaer owner. Geranium enters with the latest word on her boyfriend Pomeroy. Pedro is in your face to tell about a Mexican opera he was in. Judy and the Sportsmen sing a new arrangement of the old song, Three Blind Mice. With all her friends in her house, Judy goes over some scenes from her play. Pedro tries his best, but messes up the sound affects. Brenda Laverne arrives to show off her acting talents, and be teased by Judy. The play has it’s debut in the theater. Texas Joe brags abouut his tales of how tough he is to Two Gun Gertie. Other characters breeze in to try to sweep Gertie off her feet. Will they have any luck at it? Will the crowd like it? Will the proceeds from it help withthe poor crops back in Cactus Junction? Judy closes withher hit, Go to Sleepy Little Baby.

 Molle Mystery Theater – Adventure Of The Fallen Angels . 460614 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:22

Audio is a little crackly. Tony Benner, a bankrupt playboy leaves a nightclub when thugs take him for a ride. He is warned to come up with his $20K gambling debt, or swim with the fishes. A mysterious note asks Tony to meet his fallen angel at the Savoy bar. Is this an answer to his problems? The angel is sent by Ace, a rival racketeer. What kind of deal can Tony help out with for Ace? All he wants to do is join the upscale country club. Strings are pulled, the road is paved, and soon Ace Kennedy has his access to the high stakes poker games the club is famous for. How soon will Tony get his payoff? Time is running out, and the end looks near for Tony, but even snivelling bankrupt playboys might commit murder when their backs are against the wall. Are the cops on to Tony? Alice, his fallen angel from the beginning of the story is back in the picture to bail him out with an alibi. Can she help out with raising the money Tony needs at the next high stakes poker game? Luck is a fickle thing, and so is the mysterious dame.

 Lum and Abner – Lum And Miss Emaline. 450125 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

The truth and lies of recent weeks has come out, and Lum has had to face up to his predicament between the singing contest, and his affections for Miss Emiline. Today, Abner tells Grandpap all the details to review the situation. Despite hearing about Lum’s honesty, Grandpap Thinks he would’ve kept it a secret, if it were up to him. Is Lum really feeling so bad that he will suicide himself? Just wear is Lum, and where should Abner start looking for him first? His imagination runs wild, and before you know it he is in tears at the thought of the tragedy that has befallen his friend. Cédric enters, and may have more pleasant news then Abner has been imagining. But why does Cedric have a gun? And why is he shooting? It may not go well for that little squirrel outdoors, but wonderful world! Lum has returned, and is in high spirits.

 Vic and Sade – Hank Gutstop Is Healthy. 400613. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:03

Vic works over writing an article for the upcoming lodge magazine. To boost his creative juices Rush reads a few lines from his 3rd Lt Stanley book, modifying them to fit the proposed article. What noteworthy things can Vic write about Hank Gutstop? For comparrison, he reads a few other articles written about others that appeared in the magazine. Vic tries to create a masterpiece in the fewest words as possible, but will it have the punch he wants to project? Will Vic’s literary work go down in history as a great and memorable piece of work?

 Box 13 – The Dead Man Walks. 490612. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:19

Dan gets a new mission when a woman from the poor side of town needs him to act as a private eye for her. He goes to the shady side of town and gets all the details from the woman. She can’t go to the police because her missing dadnw is a released convict, and she’s afraid that he is missing due to something that will ruin his parole. Is that good legal behavior? No, but nobody likes to see a close family member in trouble, and she’s being protective. She fears her dad is dead, and Dan’s investigating takes him to the scene of a dead body in a local shop. The dead man on the floor is identified as the woman’s dad. All it gets Dan though, is a thump on his head, and he wakens in his car, in the next county, and telling his story to the state troopers. Will the cops believe his story? When Dan retraces his steps, there’s no dead body, and nothing in his story checks out. The cops can’t waste their time here, but it’s just the beginning for Dan. A close encounter with gangsters has Dan being beaten up once again, but the mysteries of the missing man, and the murder scene he witnessed are out in the open. What does it all mean? What does the woman’s missing dad have to do with all this? Armed with some very solid evidence, Dan gets the cops to check it out, and in dramatic fashion, the bad guys are raided with all guns blazing. In epilog, Dan tells Suzie all the details that are still left unanswered.

 You Are There – Womens Rights, 1853AD. ep89, 500611. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:14

As a delegation of women gather to fight for their right to vote, their male counterparts try to keep them in their place at home, and out of the world of politics and business. CBS reporters take us there to witness this milestone event. I have to say, the men at the gathering are flat out rude. Shouting and catcalling while the women try to put forth their serious points. Why do these women want equal rights? Why not just stay at home and be content with the joys of being a mom and wife? All they really want is an equal input on who is in government. As a sign of their rebellion, the women at the delegation have shed their dresses for bloomers. A kind of pants, but with loose, billowy leggings. Shedding traditional fashion is just a visual statement that women aren’t content with being lumped together as second class citezens. Some women would be content to be a housewife, if only they could be educated and own the money and property they have. Especially when their husbands are drunkards, or poor providers for them. Women of this era couldn’t go to school beyond elementary education, which limited their choices of careers, for those who wanted to pursue one. Will the men in the meeting hall ever settle down? Will these women be heard? A victory is won, but it would take a while for women to have their own colleges, nearly a century before they could vote, and only in recent years where their equality in the workplace equals their male counterparts. PS: The mudslinging and politics that run rampant in the delegation hall in this drama, seem awfully familiar even in our modern times. Even though we may have different hot button topics (abortion, same sex marriage, religious liberties, etc) it’s all about the need to be treated fairly.

 Fibber McGee and Molly Fibber Needs Glasses (Sixth Anniversary Show(). ep283, 410415 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:32

Molly has insisted that Fibber have his eyes checked. In the office of the Occulist, the Old Timer shares his good report from the doctor. Fibber gets confused over matters of wigs. The doctor needs to put drops in Fibbers eyes. Eyes a Muggin McGee brags on his former youthful abilities. Billy Mills plays some smooth dance music. While the drops work to make Fibber’s eyesight blurry, Abigail Uppington pops in. She gets some unusual compliments on her sense of style from Fibber. During the interaction, he manages to take the wrong coat by mistake. Just who is this Wallace Wimple guy? Will Harlowe Wilcox know? The Kingsmen sing., Let’s Get Away from it All. as fibber encounters a wooden Indian, Teeny enters. Does she know where he can find this Wimple guy? Gildersleeve makes nice, even if it is just to acknowledge the 6th anniversary for the sponsor. Gildy does have a lead on Wallace Wimple, and the determined Fibber calls a cab to confront the coat’s owner. Wallace Wimple explains the mix up. Note: Gale Gordon is the eye doctor. Also, this is the first appearance of Wallace Wimple.

 Lum and Abner – The Shortage Of Nurses Overseas. 450123 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

In the Jot Em Down store, Lum seems a little frustrated, as he talks on the telephone. Although he is upset over the article about him in the paper that Squire wrote, Abner seems very pleased. Abner thought that Lum was just being humble, and using reverse psychology. pretending to not want it, but really desiring the attention. Tempers begin to rise, as Lum’s frustration comes to light. Who is the woman who comes into their store, and asks for postage stamps? She looks familiar to Lum. When they discover she’s a nurse trainee, Abner asks if she knows his daughter, little Pearl. The real life Army nurse in training, shares about the need for more women to join. Abner’s sure that he has seen her as well, but just can’t place her face. Well I’ll be a polka dotted possum, she’s the girl on a recruitment poster that hangs right there in the store.

 Command Performance – Bette Davis, Marilyn Maxwell, Artie Shaw, Jimmy Durante. 440610. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:00

Hosted by award winning Bette Davis. She tries a comic routine, ala Bob Hope. She introduces Marilyn Maxwell, who reads greetings from the mailbag. She sings, Wish I May. Bette calls on Jimmy Durante to joke around with. The two talk about high class finery, and the gala affair that Jimmy is to throw. With the funny banter over, Artie Shaw is on hand to read from the mailbag, then play, Long Ago and Far Away. Bette and Jimmy talk with Artie about the possibility of playng at Jimmy’s party. Jimmy demonstrates the kind of music he’s looking for by singing, Durante Patron of the Arts. Famous pianist, Jose Iturbi enters to talk to Jimmy about playing his party. Jimmy and Jose play an interesting duet. On his own, Jose Iturbi plays a little bit of Chopin. Jimmy seems a bit more pleased with having Jose at his party. Bette shares a few parting words with the troops as she signs off.


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