Molle Mystery Theater – Adventure Of The Fallen Angels . 460614

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Audio is a little crackly. <br> Tony Benner, a bankrupt playboy leaves a nightclub when thugs take him for a ride. He is warned to come up with his $20K gambling debt, or swim with the fishes. A mysterious note asks Tony to meet his fallen angel at the Savoy bar. Is this an answer to his problems? The angel is sent by Ace, a rival racketeer. What kind of deal can Tony help out with for Ace? All he wants to do is join the upscale country club. <br> Strings are pulled, the road is paved, and soon Ace Kennedy has his access to the high stakes poker games the club is famous for. How soon will Tony get his payoff? Time is running out, and the end looks near for Tony, but even snivelling bankrupt playboys might commit murder when their backs are against the wall. <br> Are the cops on to Tony? Alice, his fallen angel from the beginning of the story is back in the picture to bail him out with an alibi. Can she help out with raising the money Tony needs at the next high stakes poker game? Luck is a fickle thing, and so is the mysterious dame. <br>