Box 13 – The Dead Man Walks. 490612.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Dan gets a new mission when a woman from the poor side of town needs him to act as a private eye for her. He goes to the shady side of town and gets all the details from the woman. <br> She can’t go to the police because her missing dadnw is a released convict, and she’s afraid that he is missing due to something that will ruin his parole. Is that good legal behavior? No, but nobody likes to see a close family member in trouble, and she’s being protective. <br> She fears her dad is dead, and Dan’s investigating takes him to the scene of a dead body in a local shop. The dead man on the floor is identified as the woman’s dad. All it gets Dan though, is a thump on his head, and he wakens in his car, in the next county, and telling his story to the state troopers. <br> Will the cops believe his story? When Dan retraces his steps, there’s no dead body, and nothing in his story checks out. The cops can’t waste their time here, but it’s just the beginning for Dan. A close encounter with gangsters has Dan being beaten up once again, but the mysteries of the missing man, and the murder scene he witnessed are out in the open. What does it all mean? What does the woman’s missing dad have to do with all this? <br> Armed with some very solid evidence, Dan gets the cops to check it out, and in dramatic fashion, the bad guys are raided with all guns blazing. In epilog, Dan tells Suzie all the details that are still left unanswered.<br>