Great Gildersleeve – Leroy Is Suspended from School. ep176, 450916

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: After being suspended at school, Leroy finds himself doing all manner of chores at home. He has to learn that a suspension is not a vacation. Bertie learns details over Leroy’s new schoolteacher, being replaced with his old teacher. Can she get Gildersleeve to relent, and let Leroy at least have a little playtime?<br> Later, Marjorie has Marshall Bullard over to see him off because he leaves for college. Though seeing the young manned leave makes him happy, Gildy learns that Leroy is still hard at work. This is not like him. What’s going on? Leroy is still working, though he was allowed to go out and play, It’s because his friends shunned him due to the black mark of his suspension.<br> Seeing that Leroy is being punished more than his offense, Gildy’s disciplinary pendulum swings the other way, and he lets the boy have treats at the drug store and go see a movie. PV looks down at this, but hasn’t he ever committed any defenses when he was a boy? When a woman from town give Gildy the cold shoulder in the drugstore, he learned that Leroy’s dark cloud is hanging over him as well.<br> Judge Hooker offer some advice for Gildy, and it’s pointed out that he’s on the school board. Will Gildy resort to throwing his weight around the school to get his way, will he be able to shorten Leroy’s suspension. The great man will do what he can, but Leroy will have to apologize. <br>