Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Aldrich Family – Henry’s Missing Left Rubber. 420405 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:33

Though Henry’s friend, Homer, wants him to come outside, his mother won’t let him until he finds a missing boot. Rubber overshoes used to be simply called rubbers, and Henry cannot remember where he missed placed his. Not only were they expensive, but with a war on, rubber shortages meant they had extra value. Henry’s parents are insistent that he does not go out without his overshoes. Not even a set that doesn’t match. What will he tell his friends who are waiting for him outside? Will Henry ever remember the last place he saw his missing shoe? It just would not look cool to his friends, if Henry should admit to them that he were being punished over the loss of his shoe. He convinces them that its patriotic to give up rubber shoes for the war effort. But is he telling the truth? Before long a miniature rubber Drive is on through the neighborhood. But who is going to pay for all this rubber that’s being collected? Mr. Aldrich manages to find the missing rubber overshoe . Before long though the Aldrich family has more missing left rubbers than they ever hope to have found.

 Molle Mystery Theater – KillerComeBackToMe. 460517 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:57

A modern hardboiled adventure written by Ray Bradbury, the tale of a killer who suffers from delusions of grandure. Guns blaze, but thanks to a get away car driven by a tough dame, the green gunman makes his break to safety. Together, she becomes the brains of their outfit, and he takes care of the heavy lifting. Johnny gets a quick education, then has the chance to take over the infamous Ricky Wolfe gang. The world doesn’t know that the real Ricky Wolfe is dead, and Johnny’s big test is about to come as he tries to fool the gang. The tough guys don’t go for it, but Johnny proves he can handle the hardened killers. He takes charge, but Julie backs away from him when he no longer takes her advice. Is she jealous that he isn’t taking orders from her anymore? Or is there some real danger awaiting Johnny if he ignores what she has to say? Johnny is heading down the same path that Julie has seen Ricky go down and come up a loser. Can she stop him from coming to the same bad end? Let’s just say that when the FBI moves in, crime proves that it does not pay.

 Lum and Abner – New Years Day At Abner’s. 450101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

A new year begins, with Lum and Abner gathered with some of their friends to discuss the new year. Ulysses S Quincy is on hand to help identify photos in an album., as the gents wait for dinner. There is nothing better than a day for rest, then a holiday. Abner thinks it’s even better then resting on Sunday. The gents can’t understand why the women folk all grumble about holidays. could it be the extra work they do? Lum has to say he doesn’t know about that, since he’s a bachelor. Abner at least notices that his wife seems to have been chained to the stove since 5 o’clock this morning. The only time she leaves it, is to go out and shop more firewood Is it almost time for dinner? Abner notices some of the womenfolk coming outside to round up the children. After all those hours of hard labor in the kitchen, abner makes a last minute decision.. He needs to run off to get a good deal on wagon wheels before it’s too late.

 Rogues Gallery – The Impossible Murder. ep47, 460516 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:43

A crooked judge with the reputation of being a hanging judge, is throwing a party. Mingling at the swanky affair, Rogue eavesdrops in on conversations. Calling Rogue aside, the judge shares his concern over a threatening note. What’s so significant about the note that has the venerable old judge unravelled? Judge Collins Baker wants to hire Rogue as his bodyguard. Will someone actually try to kill the judge tonight? Rogue wants to take Betty home, but only after all the guests leave, and he and the judge do a security check. Returning to the estate, Rogue is greeted with a thump on the head, and his weekly visit with his annoying inner self, Eugor. Waking up to his policeman friend, Urban, helping him, Rogue finds himself handcuffed to a bench with his own cuffs. Maybe he ought to have a bodyguard as well. Rogue and the cops go to check on the judge. All the doors are properly locked, and security measure still in place, but the judge is dead. How could somebody have snuck back in to kill the judge? A strange odor lingers in the air. Going on a clue from the threatening note, Rogue starts his footwork at the library. Will he find out any secrets about Judge Bakers past? Police seem to confirm the presence of cyanide in the room. How does that fact mesh with Rogue’s theory on the killing? The truth explodes as a tale of revenge emerges as the motive, helped along with the research Rogue has done by investigating the judge’s past.

 Gunsmoke – Robin Hood. ep143, 550108. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:16

Matt and Chester stroll the walk and greet Kitty as she returns to Dodge. Her stage had been robbed by a man who selectively robbed some passengers, but not all. Descriptions of the outlaw and his horse don’t help much. Matt manages to figure out the motives of the bandit, but has no solid proof. It’s Chester who makes the connection to the style of Robin Hood. With the bandit playing on the sympathy of the poor, will Matt stand a chance at catching him? As Matt talks to Doc about his problem, he concludes that he’ll need to outsmart the Robin Hood to get unquestionable proof at his robberies. For Matt to run him out of Dodge, or haul him in would put public sympathies on the side of the bandit. Matt uses another local crook to fleece the other bandit. How will this force Robin Hood’s hand? It definitely stirs up some activity that pushes the Western Robin Hood to become more desperate, and less ethical in who he robs. Matt is able to monitor the bandits activities and he waits for the perfect timing to nab the bad guy. Good thing Sherwood Forrest didn’t have Matt Dillon as Sheriff, orthat old Robin Hood story might have painted him in a different light, and with a less than happy ending for poor old Robin.

 Lum and Abner – Lum Practices Romantical Special. 441228 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Seeking sage advice from old Doc Peabody, Lum has decided to set about a serious courtship of Miss Platt. Today, we find him in the store talking to Dock Peabody about setting up a date for the movies. Lum shares a personal secret. He has trouble with stage fright on the phone when he tries to speak to Miss Platt. How can he get over his problem It’s time for some lessons. Abner thinks Lum could use some practice in elocution, or is that electrocution? Doc Peabody wants to listen as Lum says romantical words, as if you were speaking to Miss Platt. somehow, I don’t think reading public service announcement about the progress of war needs Will do it. The reasons why the government needs more able bodied seamen, begins to distract Lum. Can he manage to read the job openings, and skills, and maintain a romantic tone in his voice? Will he ever learned who his competition is for the hand of Miss Platt? A phone call from Miss Emeline Platt maybe Lum’s big chance to put what he’s learned in the practice, maybe.

 Abbott and Costello – Running For Mayor. 460516. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:35

After a breathless and excited fan begs Lou to get involved, and run for political office the jokes kick into high gear. Bud and Lou plan to travel back to Patterson, New Jersey so Lou can run for Mayor. The political jokes turn into traveling jokes as the guys get ready to pack for a train ride. Bud goes into a routine on the merits of an upper berth to a lower berth. Carl Hoff and the band play, Seems Like Old Times. Lou says his goodbyes to animals, friends, and some of the usual cast of characters that appear in the show. After a weird cab ride with Mel Blanc, the guys make it to the station. Amy Arnelle sings, Coax Me a Little Bit. Bud and Lou joke their way through boarding the train, and getting their trip started. Through the program characters that pass through include: Bessy May Mucho, FeeFee Lablanc, Mellonhead, and more.

 X Minus One – The Parade. ep2, 550501. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:10

A strange and thrilling story by James Lepperts. A man claiming to be a Martian comes into an advertising agency. The agent thinks its a gimmick, he thinks the man is a nut, but when he goes to toss him out of the office the Martian waves a big bankroll in front of the agent. The agent is hooked, and even more so when his proposed advertising budget goes through the roof. What is this campaign going to be all about? The Martian is upfront in announcing an invasion, and unveiling a product, and wants elaborate publicity to get the word out in a way to drive up public anticipation. All the usual promotion tricks are done for the biggest, most sensational product launch ever. Still, not even the agent has been clued in as to what the product might be. The most likely assumption is that it has to do with making a movie. The campaign is going like wild fire with parades, celebrations, parties, and the works all for the upcoming Martian Day extravaganza. The public is stirred up as spectators line the parade route to see what the hype is all about. News coverage gets the pulse of the people with man on the street interviews. Curious people from far and wide. The advertising agent is interviewed, but since he really doesn’t know anything about the product, he can’t reveal anything. The parade begins, bands play, floats pass by, people carry signs with witty slogans. A hush falls over the crowd as the climax leaves it’s impressive impact. Armies of Martians march in silence to the beat of military drums. What is the meaning of all the gaiety and festivities? What is the meaning of the march of the Martian hordes? Well, you’ll just have to listen, or wait until Martian Day and join in the festivities along with everybody else. Is all the drama, and ominous activity all just a planned hoax by the publicity agent? This is all just to promote a movie, right? There’s just too much precision in the way those Martian troops march. After all his efforts, the publicity man learns the truth too late to have his big event stopped, but will anybody else believe him? Can he stop what he helped to set into motion?

 Lum and Abner – Abner Gives Lum Some Advice. 441227 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

The advice bureau gets a second wind after Lum decides he needs advice in courting Miss Platt, the school teacher. Mousy Grey arise, trembling in a pent up fury, as he anticipates Abner’s expert advice. He just doesn’t know what he will do, being in the rage that he is in. But with their busy schedule, it looks as if he may have to sneak out of the house some other time to get his advice. Abner is driven to subtraction, as he complains about his busy schedule. As a new customer, Lum discovers a little of Abner’s office routine. He is assigned a case number as his paperwork is filled out. Besides advise, Lum really wants to know who is competition is for the hand of Ms. Platt. As we listen to the session, we discover the secret of old dock Peabody’s advice. He simply listens, and lets his client do the talking, and discover their own advice. The appreciative customer is all too eager to set another appointment, and to rush out and put the advice to work.

 Gunsmoke – Robber Bridegroom. ep161, 550514. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:57

On the street, Doc and matt talk about Chester, and gambling, gunfighting, then meet up in the saloon where Chester is busily gambling his money away. Matt meets Mr Reeves, a man from back East. Chester helps fill in the story of how Mr Reeves came West to make a name for himself, and now awaits the stage coach to deliver his gal to join him. The stage driver has urgent news for Matt and reports the $50K in gold is missing, and Mr Reeves woman as well. Mr Reed is understandably upset, but when we gets uppity with Matt, he’s playing with fire. In voiceover, Matt gives the details of the progress on the case, and riding with the posse. Back in the Long Branch, Kitty gives her own report that paints a negative piture of our Mr Reves. In the jail, Matt and Chester share some small talk. Apparently Chester has turned over a temporary new leaf and has been found attending church. The banter is interrupted by a new report from the stage coach driver. There has been no more robbery, but he has a good lead on where the missing Laura might be. The report finds Matt saddled up and heading out to find more clues with a passing cattle herd. Matt figures from the clues that the bandit is inexperienced, and his wandering indicates he may be lost. On returning to town Matt learns the robber has turned himself in, and has been locked up by Chester. The bandit, Fitch has an odd story and offers to take care of the annoying Mr Reeves for Matt if he lets him out. Matt is usually the kind to stick to the law, and bad guys. He’s not one to interfere in personal lives. There’s a curiosity here, and matt wants to get to the bottome of it. Why did Fitch kidnap her in the first place? Why did he return her? It’s clear that Reeves is overbearing and self serving. Matt needs Laura to help in court with the robbery case, but Reeves is upset over it. Will it take arresting Laura to tear her out of the grasp of Reeves. What about the bandit, Fitch? matt has to take some drastic measures. He see’s that the whole matter is fast becoming a travesty of justice. Not to mention a wierd, twisted relationship between woman, boyfriend, and robber. There is a solution, but Matt can’t force people to make a decision. Although the set up is an irresistable one for the right thing to be done. Sound confusing? Just listen in, and enjoy the plot twists in this wierd romance.

 Phil Harris – Phil is Drafted. ep84, 490102. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

A letter comes in the mail for Phil, but Alice tries to tell him that it’s the wrong address, and for some other guy named Phil Harris. Phil’s curiosity is getting to him, and thinks it could be something good, like a check in the mail or something. Phil sneaks off to the kitchen but Alice trusts him, although Willie thinks Phil is up to something. When Frankie arrives, hegives good lipservice to his friend, but his practical side draws him to the kitchen to see what’s up. Phil ends up opening the letter. Should that really be a surprise? Phil gets a big surprise of his own when the letter turns out to be a draft notice. Phil is taken aback, they can’t draft him can they? He gives a mixed fictional, and real account of his past military service. He was in the Merchant Marine in WW2, but the rest is just show biz. As Phil daydreams about the possibility of being in the Army, he breaks out into song with, The General and His Horse. Remley talks sense to Phil, and suggests he go to the draft board to make sure. Phil tries to break the news to Alice gently, but since Willie was eaves dropping she is clued in on the letter, and reacts to give him a hard time over his reporting for duty. After the joking settles down, and truth comes out, it’s Alice’s turn to sing, I Got My Love to Keep Me Warm. As Phil and Frankie set out to clear things up at the draft board, it’s Julius turn to renew the jokes about the mix up, and Phils physical condition. Julius says he has a friend at the draft board who can hook Phil up with a soft job in the Army. Instead, after parting on harsh words, Julius calls his friend to give Phil a hard time, and goe through the motions of accepting Phil just to give him a scare. Phil talks his way out of the draft by claiming to be a sick man. At home, he tells Alice a slightly different story, and a slightly different kind of service that he has volunteered for. Let’s just say that the Boy Scouts will be prepared by being forewarned.

 Lum and Abner – Ole Doc Peabody. 441226 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Back to the usual town drama, after the Christmas season, old Doc Peabody continues his marital advice business. Today, we find him on the phone placing an order for handbills to grow his business. Lum tries to offer financial advice, because he’s concerned that Abner has too much outgo, and too little income. Though he may not make a lot of money, Abner Brags that he knows more town gossip than sister Simpson. Lum doesn’t want to hear it. He’s more concerned about that bill with the printers, and those handbills. The tune may change soon though when Abner stepped out to follow Lum’s orders. The phone rings and Lum fields a call from Emmett Goshen. At least in Emmett’s case, Abner has done some good. The suspense builds though and try as you might, Lum can’t resist much longer about being tempted by gossip. Especially when it involves the new schoolteacher. Will Abners supernatural powers of marital advice convince Lum to restart the business?

 Jack Benny – Quiz Kids Contest. 460512 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:38

On the way to new York, the cast stop off in Chicago to do a show. Jack jokes with Don about the recent contest about Hating Jack Benny that ended just a couple months ago. With being so close to his hometown, Mary enters to tease Jack about his friends and family from Waukegan. Phil enters to talk about the brown out in Chicago, and the drinking habits of the band. Dennis enters to add to the topic of the brown out. The quiz kids enter to challenge Jack and the cast to a battle of wits, but first, Dennis sings, Sweet Mother of Mine. Before the contest begins, Rochester phones in with trouble with hotel accommodations. Jack is the quizmaster, and the cast face off with the kids. Each gives their credentials, and the area of their strong suit. With questions stacked so the kids get the hard ones, the cast still have a hard time with the easy question. The kids prove they can be both smart and funny, while the cast prove they can be funny and… well let’s just stick with funny.

 Archie Andrews – Poison Candy. 460511. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

In the home of Archie Andrews, dad enjoys reading the paper, and shares some of the top stories with mom. Except for one. It seems an old flame of his is returning to town, and mom is jealous. When dad tries to make secret plans to go on a fishing trip with a buddy, mom is suspicious. Meanwhile, Archie and Jughead talk about a Mothers Day gift, a big box of candy, and after a few samples. Archie decides on a box. The guys meet Veronica in the store, who also buys a box for her mom, and a smaller box for her dog. Back home, there’s a small mix up when Archie moves dad’s fishing gear, and hides candy. Mom only overhears part of a phone conversation, finds the candy, and her suspicions of dad’s old flame grow. It’s the last straw for her, but what’s she going to do about it? At Veronica’s Archie learns that Veronica’s dog is sick in the hospital. Of course, conclusions are jumped to, and Archie is sure the dog was poisoned by the candy. Hmm… He actually might not be far from the truth. Candy, especially chocolate is bad for dogs. But before I say too much, let’s get back to the story. Mom goes to confront her old rival, who has become.. well… let’s say that she’s twice the woman she used to be. Mom has a nice meeting with the cheerful old flame, and leaves her the box of candy that was found at the closet. The worried Archie discovers the missing candy, but misses the chance to clear up the matter when he talks to mom. Instead the ships of truth pass in the night, and Archie goes to regain the poisoned candy from the old flame. In an elaborate ruse, he manages to do better than that. With Jugheads help and to avoid a mistake, they swipe all 10 boxes of her candy. Watch out, don’t mess with the fat lady’s candy. How does Archie and Jughead dispose of the tainted goods? All the boxes look alike, so all they can do is light them on fire. What a waste of chocolate. The candy may be gone, but sparks from the flames manage to set Archie’s roof on fire. Can it get any worse? Archie is upset that he has no gift for Mother’s Day, but his mom is forgiving of him. Veronica is upset that Archie broke her date. Archie is upset when he learns the truth about Veronica’s sick dog. There’s still one little problem once dad gets home and learns the hard way about the damaged roof.

 Molle Mystery Theater – Further Adventures Of Kenny Andrews. 460510 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:26

In a previous episode a tale of Kenny Andrews, and how he ended up in an insane asylum was told. Due to audience request, his saga is continued to report on whether he ever managed to get out. In voiceover, Kenny tells how he started a riot, and escaped. Now he faces the problem of raising a fast $200, or face going back to the asylum. To pay his debt to one gangster, he takes a job with another. His sole possession, a violin case gets him a job, but it’s stereotype of being the incognito storage place for a sub-machine gun gives him the mistaken reputation of a cold blooded killer. Kenny finds himself posing as a Chicago hit man, and hiding in the dressing room of Nicki Passion. Tough guys, bookies, and troublemakers parade through the dressing room, but will Kenny be forced to act as body guard for the sultry Miss Passion? Will his true identity be discovered? Troubles pile up for Kenny, but with the help of Nicki Passion, he hatches a plan to win the dame, and get free of his debts. He only has to survive the face off with the big gang boss. If he lives, will he be in line to take the fall with the cops as a killer? Stand by for action packed thrills and chills, right up to the end.


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