Rogues Gallery – The Impossible Murder. ep47, 460516

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A crooked judge with the reputation of being a hanging judge, is throwing a party. Mingling at the swanky affair, Rogue eavesdrops in on conversations. Calling Rogue aside, the judge shares his concern over a threatening note. What’s so significant about the note that has the venerable old judge unravelled? <br> Judge Collins Baker wants to hire Rogue as his bodyguard. Will someone actually try to kill the judge tonight? Rogue wants to take Betty home, but only after all the guests leave, and he and the judge do a security check. Returning to the estate, Rogue is greeted with a thump on the head, and his weekly visit with his annoying inner self, Eugor. Waking up to his policeman friend, Urban, helping him, Rogue finds himself handcuffed to a bench with his own cuffs. Maybe he ought to have a bodyguard as well. Rogue and the cops go to check on the judge. All the doors are properly locked, and security measure still in place, but the judge is dead. <br> How could somebody have snuck back in to kill the judge? A strange odor lingers in the air. Going on a clue from the threatening note, Rogue starts his footwork at the library. Will he find out any secrets about Judge Bakers past? Police seem to confirm the presence of cyanide in the room. How does that fact mesh with Rogue’s theory on the killing? The truth explodes as a tale of revenge emerges as the motive, helped along with the research Rogue has done by investigating the judge’s past. <br> <br>